
注册日期:2009-03-20 15:55:30

S3C6410X_Type_Circuit_Design_Guide_rev1.00.rar - S3C6410 線路設計時一定要參考的文件,尤其是DDR Layout guide一定要看.以免開發出的板子不能動.,2009-03-20 16:50:55,下载597次
S3C6410_ApplicationNotes_V1.0.rar - Samsung 6410系統設計時的重要參考文件.內容有600多頁.,2009-03-20 16:26:13,下载717次

masm32v11r.zip - The Microsoft Assembler (commonly known as MASM) is an industrial software development tool that has been maintained and updated for over 30 years by a major operating system vendor. It has never been softened or compromised into a consumer friendly tool and is designed to be used by professional programmers for operating system level code and high performance object modules, executable files and dynamic link libraries. The MASM32 SDK is an independent project that is designed to ease the entry of experienced programmers into the field of assembler language programming. It is a complex and demanding form of programming that requires high coding precision and a good understanding of both the Intel mnemonics and x86 processor architecture as it is utilised by the Windows operating system environment but for the effort, it offers flexibility and performance that is beyond the best of compilers when a high enough level of expertise is reached.
