
注册日期:2009-03-24 07:51:07

上传列表 - Nokia6610,63xx lcd connected to LPT port. 12Bit resulation. LCD control details. with delphi source.,2019-05-01 03:52:48,下载0次 - Nokia 6610 lcd connected to LPT port. Full source with delphi,2019-05-01 03:51:35,下载0次 - Silent internet connection checking in delphi application. Delphi source. It can be used for version control or upgrade checking. Full source.,2019-05-01 03:47:53,下载3次 - Recursive Callback example with delphi source. DiscScanner with delphi.,2019-05-01 03:46:32,下载1次 - FDR,FDL, register value calculator for precision baud rate setting. DElphi source.,2019-05-01 03:45:14,下载1次
m16c_USB_flash_programmer.rar - Renesas USB based M16C flash programmer V2. compatible standart flasher soft. Protel99 PCB and schema included. cool:),2010-11-17 22:45:48,下载17次
avr_mp3_player_juice_sch_c_source.rar - Avr based MP3 player full projects with protel99 DDB and C source. Cool:),2010-11-17 22:14:11,下载7次
Current_Sensor.rar - Current sensor complete design for,2010-11-17 22:06:43,下载2次
IAP-lpc23xx_ch_2_en.rar - In application programming document translated Chinese to English,2010-11-17 22:01:44,下载9次
renesas_m16c_flash_programmer.rar - Renesas M16C/M32C series flash programmer protel99 sch+pcb. I didnt use R8C series but I think it works with R8C series. COOL:),2010-06-13 02:36:22,下载29次
M16C62_container_SRAM_RTC.rar - Renesas m16c62 nano evalution board 50x50mm. M16C62P+128KB sram+RTC+ProgPins. Protel99 Sch+PCB. Design By COOL:),2010-06-13 02:23:21,下载9次
M16C62_minimum_configuration_protel99.rar - Renesas M16C62 minimum board protel99 schematic. COOL:),2010-06-13 02:17:19,下载9次
Renesas_m16c62_evalution_board_schmatic.rar - renesas M16C62 evalution board Protel99 schematic. M16C series microcontrollers have excellent EMI immune performance. I use M16C series controller very much. May be someone want to try those controllers. COOL:),2010-06-13 02:13:35,下载9次
ad7730_atmega8_V1.rar - Atmega8+AD7730 source code. Do not forget to set chip select and DataRdy pin settings. This is not copied from internet. It works. COOL:),2010-06-13 01:52:09,下载96次
basic_interpreter_cool1_BC45.rar - Completed basic interpreter. You can use it ARM based embedded system.You can compile with BC4.5 for test. Examples included.,2010-06-13 01:36:08,下载12次
LPC21xx.23xx_FRAM25V10.rar - FRAM FM25V10 (I2C) routines for LPC21xx,23xx. I didnt find it internet..I coded and works. cool:) do not forget changing pins depend on your application.,2010-06-12 19:47:51,下载56次
Basic_3d_Graphics.rar - Basic 3d graphic calculation, line, fill algorithms with ansi c,2010-06-12 18:51:21,下载8次
SDMMC_ICCFlash.rar - AVR SDMMC flash file system..fat16/32 support..ICCAVR source code included... cool:),2009-09-04 03:37:32,下载8次
AVR_music_player_V1_1.rar - AVR music player.. CVAVR source code included,2009-09-04 03:32:46,下载13次
lcd_font_maker.rar - LCD font generator for 128x64 KS107/108 type lcd..Delphi :),2009-09-04 03:22:00,下载40次
C_interpreter.rar - An ansi C interpreter...simple it can be reference,2009-09-04 03:06:40,下载12次
DS2438_one_wire_battery_monitor_for_m16c.rar - DS2438 one wire (ow) battery monitor code for renesas M16c... (-:cool:-),2009-05-09 22:22:41,下载88次
m16c_initials_keep_it_for_other_appz.rar - M16C interrupt settings and Initial code setting for HEW4 for renesas M16c...I coded and optimized. It will savr time to start a new app. (-:cool:-),2009-05-09 22:18:44,下载15次
fm25640_m16.rar - FM25640 FRAM code for renesas M16c...I coded and optimized (-:cool:-),2009-05-09 22:15:53,下载39次
ds1302_m16.rar - ds1302 timekeeper code for renesas M16c...I coded and optimized time keeping and ram usage function. (-:cool:-),2009-05-09 22:13:00,下载3次
ICC_IAR_Flashfile_system.rar - Flashfile system for avr, ICC, IAR compiled with examples. very cool ,2009-05-09 22:09:32,下载25次
ds1820v2.rar - DS1820v2.c simple 1wire example,2009-04-11 08:02:58,下载6次
hopfield_recognize.rar - Simple Hopfield example recognize character. Please see the code. BC++3.1 required. By basri KUL. Fully Free,2009-03-24 09:13:21,下载3次
bwBasic_cool2.rar - Upgraded BWbasic interpreter. Borland C++ 4.5 needed to compile. This coded test on M16C. It works fine. ,2009-03-24 09:09:16,下载7次
uni_rs485.rar - RS485 communication needs 1st adress byte(9bit) and others 8bit for multiprocessor communication. Theese tools suply this operation. Please check it readme.txt file. I ams sorry I have no time help file. But it s simple. Coded by Basri KUL.Fully Free.,2009-03-24 08:56:58,下载3次
Micro_Scope.rar - Serial Port based Real time Digital oscilloscope with fft. Schema and PC software included. Coded by Basri KUL. Fully Free. GiveIO.sys must be included system32. Every electronic students should try this. Very well on desktop computers. Serial not important. I will sent USB based high speed DSO later. Good luck ,2009-03-24 08:51:41,下载60次
timersaat.rar - Example program with AVR assembler. Purpose: Education->Assembler->Simple Watch ATMega8 and 1 relay. Relay will be on after 7day:00hour:00minute:00 second after power on. Coded by Basri KUL (I Coded it my microprocessor classes),2009-03-24 08:38:26,下载2次
dny_brd1.rar - 3 simple AVR assembler code to use seven segment display. These 3 codes realy simple way using seven segment display. these are using in my microprocessor classes. Wert deney1.asm -> no scan Wert Deney2.asm -> Scan but BCD Werrt Deney3.asm -> Scan with BCD. By Basri KUL,2009-03-24 08:30:11,下载2次
avr_application_notes.rar - Collected AVR assembler code samples to learn assembler. I use it in my classes.,2009-03-24 08:24:04,下载4次
PrgEdit.rar - 8051 Assembler editor with compile. Fully free. Please select directory first in batch file. ,2009-03-24 08:18:35,下载2次
inv3_nokia6610lcd.rar - Nokia6610 LCD on LPT port. Full code developed myself. I think everything that you need is ready about nokia6610 LCD.,2009-03-24 08:10:42,下载6次
make_prototype.rar - Some time we need to make prototype file (*.h) from embedded C code. These files help you analysing and making header file. Full code developed myself. ,2009-03-24 08:00:19,下载2次

Power-ISO-5.6-P-Keygen-P-Serial.rar - POWERISO Introducing the all new poweriso. This program can create virtual disks and function just like a compact disk without the hassle in spacing. It can also create a bootable usb drive so that you can install your operating system using your flash drive. - Compact flash idee connector for Protel
CompressDecompress.rar - ACMS压缩算法.zip arc压缩工具.zip ASH压缩算法.zip CAB解压缩程序.zip COM压缩算法.zip C语言常用算法源代码.zip HA压缩算法.zip jac压缩算法.zip lharc压缩算法.zip LZHUF、LZSS、LZARJ压缩算法.zip LZSS压缩算法.zip lzw压缩算法.zip Splay树压缩算法.zip USQ压缩工具.zip zip解压.zip zip压缩解压范例.zip 哈夫曼编码树算法.zip 哈夫曼压缩解压算法.zip 使用LZ压缩算法的完整应用.zip 文件压缩控件.zip 一个含多种压缩算法的程序包.zip 一个压缩工具.zip 以上全解压/压缩相关的算法!
lzss.rar - lzss压缩源程序 能快速进行压缩解压
huffman.rar - 哈夫曼ACMS压缩算法.zip arc压缩工具.zip ASH压缩算法.zip CAB解压缩程序.zip COM压缩算法.zip C语言常用算法源代码.zip HA压缩算法.zip jac压缩算法.zip lharc压缩算法.zip LZHUF、LZSS、LZARJ压缩算法.zip LZSS压缩算法.zip lzw压缩算法.zip Splay树压缩算法.zip USQ压缩工具.zip zip解压.zip zip压缩解压范例.zip 哈夫曼编码树算法.zip 哈夫曼压缩解压算法.zip 使用LZ压缩算法的完整应用.zip 文件压缩控件.zip 一个含多种压缩算法的程序包.zip 一个压缩工具.zip 以上全解压/压缩相关的算法! - LZss压缩算法源代码,很好,有需要的朋友,希望很好学习利用它。
compress.rar - 用Huffman、Lzss、Lzw对图片进行压缩和解压缩
LZSSCompression.rar - LZSS压缩算法的C++实现,全部是个人完成。利用了二叉树优化,程序的性能很好。
LED-COMPUTER.rar - delphi直接访问和控制电脑的打印口(并行口).htm直接访问和控制电脑的打印口(并行口).htm
Tarea-2-final---Arbelaez_G_J-Garcia_A_F.rar - Diseñ ar e Implementar un depurador para microcontroladores XMEGA basado en tarjeta de desarrollo. - Atmel XMEGA SPI programming guide and source code, readme file included.
smps xmega codes.rar - first linux program!!!!!!!!!
SPI.rar - SPI interface Xmega AVR
vport.rar - virtual port for xmega - 此为ADS8688的驱动代码,网上没有驱动,个人写了驱动供给大家参考
cs1168.rar - 基于XMEGA系列的,CS1168驱动程序,16位ADC,测量精度非常大。 - Atmel xmega系列官方DMA控制器应用参考代码,使用GCC编译器 - Atmel xmega系列官方flash自编程应用参考代码,使用GCC编译器 - xmega drivers usart example xplain - atmel Xmega sample codes using avrstudio and winavr
