
注册日期:2009-03-25 18:43:50

Beginning VB 6 Databases 2003.zip - Beginning VB 6 Databases.,2020-01-06 20:51:39,下载1次
Beginning Visual Basic 2005.zip - It has been my experience as a Visual Basic trainer that most people do not have trouble picking up the syntax of the language.,2020-01-06 18:01:25,下载0次
Embedded Computing in C with PIC32 MC.rar - Start with the PIC32 by getting some simple code up and running quickly.,2020-01-06 16:18:45,下载0次
Raspberry_Pi_Measurement_Electronics___2014.rar - This book is thought as a highly practical guide which can help the readers to design measurement and control systems based upon Raspberry Pi. These systems can comprise external electronic circuits controlled by programs written in Python. Projects described in the book illustrate processing digital and analog signals and using I/O expanders. Since many measurement systems process analog signals, the guide contains a brief theory and practical applications dedicated to use of popular high-resolution Analog-To-Digital converters. The guide contains projects which illustrate processing small signals with instrumentation amplifiers and measuring frequencies of digital and analog signals using high-precision Frequency-To-Voltage converters. ,2017-01-23 13:13:45,下载11次
Microcontroller-Projects-in-C-for-the-8051.rar - All about C51. This book is an introductory text intended primarily for undergraduate students in computer science, electrical engineering, software engineering and other related engineering majors. If you are not a student, however, please don’t let that stop you reading and using this book to help satisfy your curiosity about embedded systems or to help move your career forward.,2017-01-22 04:22:48,下载2次
The_Ultimate_Beginners_Guide_to_the_555_Timer___2 - Unlock weird noises, hypnotic lights, and master the 555 timer. This fast paced, easy-to-follow book teaches you how the 555 timer works with step-by-step instructions and hands-on projects. Whether you are an electronics enthusiast or a beginner, this DIY guide shares simple tricks and hacks to put the 555 timer into action.,2017-01-22 02:32:12,下载1次
NodeMCU_Development_Workshop___2015.rar - NodeMCU is the Development Kit based on ESP8266 with NodeMCU firmware. This book was written to help anyone want to get started with NodeMCU v2 board development. It describes the basic elements of NodeMCU development starting with Lua programming.,2017-01-21 23:15:03,下载9次
Power-Integrations.-Solid-State-Lighting-Solution - Chips for the construction of the power supply. Examples of arrangements of power supplies.,2015-12-30 18:30:43,下载2次
Pulsewidth-Modulated-DC-to-DC-Power-Conversion.ra - An excellent book for power supply designers.,2015-12-30 18:22:26,下载3次
Joe.Pardue.C.Programming.for.Microcontrollers.rar - C Programming for Microcontrollers Very best books.,2012-02-09 16:45:53,下载2次
PIC_in_Practice_A_Project_based_Approach.rar - The aim of the book is to teach you how to build control circuits using devices such as switches, keypads, analogue sensors, LEDs, buzzers, 7 segment displays, alpha-numeric displays, radio transmitters etc. This is done by introducing graded examples, starting off with only a few instructions and gradually increasing the number of instructions as the complexity of the examples increases.,2011-12-27 15:10:59,下载3次
VisuaBasicMicrosofGraphObjects.rar - Visual Basic Microsoft Graph Objects,2009-03-26 15:14:50,下载1次

8056600tm1668.zip - TM1688.ZIP数码管显示驱动,基于TM1668的数码管显示驱动
TM1688显示.rar - C与A51混合文件用于TM1688的显示驱动的源代码
32x8Ledmatrix_PC.rar - MSC51 - 32x8 led matrix driver by PC
ht1621.rar - ht1261 STM32 驱动,亲测可用
ble_app_uart.zip - 基于nrf52832的蓝牙驱动程序,通过uart串口进行蓝牙通讯的程序
ble_app_uart_fatfs.zip - NRF52832的uart串口加FATFS,MDK环境
主从一体实验1 - BLE.zip - nrf52832主从一体透传,亲自试过可行!
UART.zip - 关于NRF52832的UART的驱动程序文档
E73-TBM-01-SCH.zip - 板载低功耗、高性能、支持多协议的 nRF52832/ nRF52810 芯片的蓝牙开发板
答辩.rar - 基于AT89C51单片机的DHT11温湿度传感器并在数码管MAX7219显示出来,通过串口传输到彩屏实时显示温湿度信息,并可以出发温湿度报警。包含Proteus仿真图,单片机代码和PPT,实验报告等
proteus-51P1602.zip - proteus 仿真加pcb。由于使用了自定义的模型用来出pcb所以无法仿真了。实现lcb1602输出。DHT11测温度和湿度。lcd数据口P0.rd26wr25en27。DHT20。
DHT11-Simulation.rar - Simulation in ISIS Proteus program, copied elecrto web site. this for DHT11.
dht11.rar - DHT11 湿度传感器模块51单片机驱动
success_got.zip - 基于51和nrf905的无线温湿度监控系统,温湿度传感器用的是DHT22,无线用的是nrf905,
DHT22+1602.rar - 使用STC12C5A驱动温湿度传感器DHT22,将测试结果显示在液晶屏上
DHT22 (CODE DRIVER SIMULATION).rar - C and c++ related source code
DHT22.zip - 温湿度传感器的小程序,能够直接调用,兼容arduino
DHT22-2.zip - 温度传感器DHT22的检测程序,在1602液晶上显示当前环境温度及湿度,精确度0.1,误差范围为2HR ,0.4C
51_DHT22.rar - 高精度温湿度传感器DHT22的80c51代码
Keil-C51.rar - Keil C51编译、调试软件使用指南,帮助学习该软件
