
注册日期:2009-03-26 09:11:18

mg4j-2.1.2.zip - MG4J (Managing Gigabytes for Java) is a free full-text search engine for large document collections written in Java. ,2009-03-26 11:38:48,下载12次
zettair-0.9.3.zip - Zettair allows you to index and search HTML (or TREC) collections. It has been designed for simplicity as well as speed and flexibility, and its primary feature is the ability to handle large amounts of text. It has a single executable, which performs both indexing and searching: when an index doesn t exist, Zettair will create one for you based on the parameters you provide, and when you do have an index, Zettair will use that index to search the indexed data. It has a simple command-line interface, and supports ranked, simple (non-nested) Boolean, and phrase queries. ,2009-03-26 11:34:25,下载18次
DotLuceneSearch_src.zip - Full-Text Search for Your Intranet or Website DotLucene is a .NET port of Jakarta Lucene search engine maintained by George Aroush et al. Here is a quick list of its features: It can be used in ASP.NET, Win Forms or console applications. Very good performance. Ranked search results. Search query highlighting in results. Searches structured and unstructured data. Metadata searching (query by date, search custom fields...). Index size approximately 30 of the indexed text. Can also store full indexed documents. Pure managed .NET in a single assembly (244 KB). Very friendly licensing (Apache Software License 2.0). Localizable (support for Brazilian, Czech, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Japanese, Korean and Russian included). Extensible (source code included). ,2009-03-26 09:25:33,下载26次
AnalyzerViewer_source.zip - Lucene.Net is a high performance Information Retrieval (IR) library, also known as a search engine library. Lucene.Net contains powerful APIs for creating full text indexes and implementing advanced and precise search technologies into your programs. Some people may confuse Lucene.net with a ready to use application like a web search/crawler, or a file search application, but Lucene.Net is not such an application, it s a framework library. Lucene.Net provides a framework for implementing these difficult technologies yourself. Lucene.Net makes no discriminations on what you can index and search, which gives you a lot more power compared to other full text indexing/searching implications you can index anything that can be represented as text. There are also ways to get Lucene.Net to index HTML, Office documents, PDF files, and much more. ,2009-03-26 09:22:05,下载22次
liblbfgs-1.7.zip - This library is a C port of the implementation of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method written by Jorge Nocedal. The original FORTRAN source code is available at: This library is a C port of the implementation of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method written by Jorge Nocedal. The original FORTRAN source code is available at: http://www.ece.northwestern.edu/~nocedal/lbfgs.html,2009-03-26 09:20:59,下载29次
crfsuite-0.8.zip - CRFsuite is a very fast implmentation of the Conditional Random Fields (CRF) algorithm. It handles tens of thousands sentences in merely one second. In comparison to CRF++, CRFSuite yields substantially better efficiency performance,2009-03-26 09:17:59,下载21次

