
注册日期:2009-03-27 14:54:12

imagecompression.rar - Image compression using Matlab,2019-12-31 05:46:27,下载1次
rgbtohsi.zip - Copyright (c) 2007, Madhu S. Nair All rights reserved,2016-06-04 18:02:33,下载2次
Color-Image-Compression-Using-2-Dimensional-Princ - Color Image Compression Using 2-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis (2DPCA),2016-06-04 18:00:06,下载1次
A-Survey-on-Image-Encryption-and-Decryption-using - A Survey on Image Encryption and Decryption using Blowfish & Watermarking,2016-06-04 17:49:06,下载1次
Digital_Image_Processing_Matlab.rar - Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB® Second Edition Rafael C. Gonzalez University of Tennessee Richard E. Woods MedData Interactive Steven L. Eddins The MathWorks, Inc.,2016-01-11 08:10:23,下载3次
collection_of_VQ_algorithms.rar - A collection of Vector Quantization Algorithms very good collection for comparison,2016-01-11 07:59:31,下载2次
collection_of_Audio_Watermarking_Papers.rar - A collection of Audio Watermarking Papers for researchers a good source ,2016-01-11 07:53:08,下载2次
AUDIO-WATERMARKING-USING-TRANSFORMATION-TECHNIQUE - a thesis in audio watermarking using transformation tecniques very important,2016-01-03 01:29:21,下载2次
A-DWT-HAAR-based-audio-watermarking-algorithm.rar - Audio watermarking is the process of adding the information into audio files in such a way that the hidden information can be used to recognize the owner of the file as well as the quality of the audio signal will not be hampered. Many algorithms for audio watermarking have been proposed and have been used. In this paper, an improved DWT-HAAR based audio watermarking will be introduced.,2015-08-28 10:58:20,下载3次
novelimageencryption2012.rar - DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF A NOVEL DIGITAL IMAGE ENCRYPTION SCHEME,2012-06-13 22:02:27,下载1次
Audiosignalprocessingthesis.rar - A very important thesis in Audio Signal Processing,2012-06-07 08:17:25,下载3次
collectionofaudiowatermarkingpapers.rar - collection of audio watermarking papers may help you,2010-11-19 23:51:55,下载6次
water_echo.rar - Program that implements echo watermarking. The basic idea is to embed a watermark by adding an echo to the original sample.,2009-04-28 01:51:53,下载25次
24-03-01.rar - A Novel Audio Watermarking Algorithm for Copyright Protection of Digital Audio Abstract Digital watermark technology is now drawing attention as a new method of protecting digital content from unauthorized copying. This paper presents a novel audio watermarking algorithm to protect against unauthorized copying of digital audio. The proposed watermarking scheme includes a psychoacoustic model of MPEG audio coding to ensure that the watermarking does not affect the quality of the original sound. After embedding the watermark, our scheme extracts copyright information without access to the original signal by using a whitening procedure for linear prediction filtering before correlation. Experimental results show that our watermarking scheme is robust against common signal processing attacks and it introduces no audible distortion after watermark insertion.,2009-04-28 01:47:16,下载26次
ieeespm00-evaluation.rar - Watermarking schemes evaluation Abstract鈥擠igital watermarking has been presented as a solution to copy protection of multimedia objects and dozens of schemes and algorithms have been proposed. Two main problems seriously darken the future of this technology though. Firstly, the large number of attacks and weaknesses which appear as fast as new algorithms are proposed, emphasizes the limits of this technology and in particu-lar the fact that it may not match users expectations. Secondly, the requirements, tools and methodologies to assess the current technologies are almost non-existent. The lack of benchmarking of current algorithms is bla-tant. This confuses rights holders as well as software and hardware manufacturers and prevents them from using the solution appropriate to their needs. Indeed basing long-lived protection schemes on badly tested watermarking technology does not make sense. ,2009-03-27 17:21:42,下载2次
echo5.rar - Increasing Payload of Echo Hiding Scheme Using Dual Backward and Forward Delay Kernels,2009-03-27 15:01:58,下载19次

61549835image-compress-denoise.rar - 图像压缩去噪增强锐化程序,供大家参考。 包括:数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 采用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 图像的自适应魏纳滤波 运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)低通滤波器对受噪声干扰的图像进行平滑处理 利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)高通滤波器对图像进行锐化处理-
new_SPIHT.rar - 最新的用matlab实现的SPIHT算法,实现对图像的高性能压缩。
SPIHT-matlab.zip - 一种基于小波变换,压缩编码效率很高的静止图像压缩编码算法SPIHT,本程序使用matlab实现
spiht-0.3.rar - spiht matlab,其中包括SPIHT算法的编码和解码
SPIHT-compress.rar - 输入:为需要压缩图象的名称,该主程序仅能构处理256灰度图,读者可以自行改编为RGB处理;ratio为压缩比率;level为小波分解的级数 输出:是解压完毕的图象数据矩阵
DFT.zip - 离散余弦变换DFT图像压缩编解码,改变后程序
matlab-compression-0042_www.matlabsite.com.zip - image compression using cs theory
wavelet_image_compression.zip - wavelets image compression
3D-SPIHT.zip - 经典图像压缩算法的改进版本,可以实现极化SAR图像的压缩
VQSOM.zip - 利用SOM神经网络设计矢量量化的码书,结果优于传统的LBG方法,失真度较小。
LBG.zip - 1. 对LBG算法的理解和使用; 2.Matlab矩阵数据的处理。
LBG.rar - 图像矢量量化的经典LBG算法matlab程序
语音聚类示例.rar - 实验示例是基于语音中的mfcc,语音倒谱特征来进行聚类,先利用训练样本来计算训练样本聚类中心(用到了lbg算法),之后再进行分类。 注意:使用代码时需要自己更改文件路径。
lbgvq.rar - 实现VQ矢量量化编码,基于LBG算法,可以对lena图像进行矢量量化
svdwm1.zip - 基于svd的音频水印,加噪、滤波检验鲁棒性
final_audio_watermarking.rar - project about audio watermarking
Audio-Watermarking-using-FFT-master.zip - audio watermark algorythm
preprop_implementation.zip - matlab captcha crack
decaptcha-master.zip - A CAPTCHA Breaker using k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks.
