
注册日期:2009-04-16 18:10:00

polynomial.zip - Least-square curve fitting using polynomials is probably the most basic way to perform some parametric regression analysis. Foor basic tools for polynomial curve fitting are provided here. I also strongly recommend the exhaustive function POLYFITN,2010-01-27 20:26:49,下载31次
eps_BB.zip - Calculate the relative complex permittivity of various common metals over all possible optical wavelengths using the Brendel-Bormann method as cited by A.D. Rakic, et. al., App. Opt., vol. 37, no. 22, 1998. ,2009-12-06 13:11:17,下载7次
splineroi.zip - Matlab class that creates an interactive, closed spline which can be used as a region of interest. Can be used to select regions in an image ,2009-12-06 12:48:15,下载8次
cell2float.zip - M = CELL2FLOAT(C) returns a float array M with the same size as C. Cells of C that contain a scalar float (single or double) are put in corresponding locations of M. Cells that contain other datatypes (e.g., strings, arrays, empty, integers, etc.) yields NaNs in the corresponding locations of M. ,2009-12-06 12:46:51,下载2次

