
注册日期:2009-05-09 13:43:51

上传列表 - Multimedia USB Keyboard Controller with Embedded Hub,2015-08-02 15:04:33,下载1次 - This module is responsible for handling the overlapped IO passed to us by the upper layer. If the LSP is on NT, then an IO completion port (IOCP) is created and all overlapped IO initiated by the upper layer passes through our IOCP. If this is Win9x then we create a worker thread and execute the overlapped IO via asynchronous procedure calls (APC),2013-08-05 18:05:24,下载1次 - This module is responsible for handling the overlapped IO passed to us by the upper layer. If the LSP is on NT, then an IO completion port (IOCP) is created and all overlapped IO initiated by the upper layer passes through our IOCP. If this is Win9x then we create a worker thread and execute the overlapped IO via asynchronous procedure calls (APC),2013-08-05 18:03:05,下载5次 - datamatrix - 2D barcode libary is for generating datamatrix barcode please read readme.txt for details,2013-04-30 16:32:47,下载3次
RadioDevices(Power-Control).zip - Windows Mobile power control,2013-04-30 16:13:34,下载6次 - EasySoap++ is a C++ library for SOAP, the Simple Object Access Protocol released under the GNU LGPL.,2013-04-30 16:09:05,下载4次
USB-simplified---API-approach-to-HID-class-V1(an1 - NXP s USB simplified - API approach to HID class V1,2011-01-30 18:26:32,下载8次
Chapter10_OpAmpCircuits.rar - Op-amp circuits for detectors, filtering, and power applications,2010-01-21 20:00:10,下载3次 - Map info tab file library to read and write,2009-07-22 18:27:39,下载17次 - DGN library to read microstation DGN format,2009-07-22 18:24:45,下载27次 - OpenGPS GPS source code,2009-05-09 13:47:38,下载8次

TVP5150-CVBS-TFT-LCD-Displayer.rar - TVP5150 CVBS IN TFT-LCD Displayer 主控为AVR ATmega8 控制TVP5150实现CVBS信号输入,液晶显示输出,可控制亮度、对比度、色度、清晰度等,使用的液晶屏为LQ035NC111,分辨率为320*240,显示效果很好,SPDIF音频输入,解码芯片为UDA1351TS,带重低音控制,双声道解码输出,功放芯片为G1448。 设计文件包括详细的设计资料。
F1C100S Melis编程手册.rar - F1C100S Melis编程手册,用于Melis 全志小系统的编程指导
C100A_公版.rar - 全志 F1C100A Melis OS 公版 SDK - ev2399 bascom bq80xx
no$ - AMT630A Emulator and Firmware AMT630A firmware for mini TFT screens The AMT640A is a relative common video controller chip found in cheap mini TFT screens with composite input. Those screens are often sold as "car rear view monitor" (or by similar names), although they are essentially fully-fledged portable TVs (minus tuner/speaker, and without advanced inputs like S-video or RGB). The chip contains a 8031/8051 microprocessor, with firmware stored on an external SPI-bus FLASH memory chip
ARK3399.rar - IP CAMERA IC ARK3399规格书与应用设计说明书,比较难找的。
WWW233.rar - 最新移植的ucgui资料,gui裸奔,不加ucos系统 - 一个关于treectrl加listctrl的控件,非常有实用价值
BUCK-PID实验.zip - 使用stm32开发板做的pwm输出控制buck电路,反馈使用PID算法,实现闭环控制
