
注册日期:2009-05-10 15:32:46

Matlab-project.rar - roots -Polynomial roots Syntax r = roots(c) Description r = roots(c) returns a column vector whose elements are the roots of the polynomial c. Row vector c contains the coefficients of a polynomial, ordered in descending powers. If c has n+1 components, the polynomial it represents is . Tips Note the relationship of this function to p = poly(r), which returns a row vector whose elements are the coefficients of the polynomial. For vectors,roots and poly are inverse functions of each other, up to ordering, scaling, and roundoff error. ,2014-11-13 01:48:01,下载5次
face-and-eye-detection.rar - This is very robust code for face and eye detection. Also execution time is very fast though implemented in matlab.,2014-07-05 11:56:46,下载6次
my-hist.rar - Is is self written code for displaying histogram of image. This will help beginners to understand histogram.,2014-04-23 19:25:40,下载3次
working-code-h264.rar - Matlab code for h.264 encoding. Its based on operation on I and P frames. Best working code.,2014-02-16 10:48:44,下载65次
matlab-camera-interface-code.rar - this is camera interface code for matlab.,2013-12-28 12:03:03,下载4次
codde.rar - This is the matlab code for Library automation robot suing RFID,2013-07-22 09:42:05,下载6次 - Tex to speech convsersion using matlab.,2013-07-18 14:44:54,下载6次
main.rar - LPC2148 analog seismic data acquision code,2013-03-04 16:32:56,下载4次
8051-LCD-protel-Simulation.rar - This is an easy to understand Proteus simulation of showing 16 by 2 LCD and 8051 interface.,2012-10-24 23:39:43,下载4次
8051-PWM-Code.rar - This an code for 8051 PWM generation. Program is written in simple flow and easy to understand.,2012-10-24 23:35:20,下载5次
Image-Copy-move-forgery-and-phase-correlation.rar - Along with image stitching and motion direction detection, Phase correlation has important role in detection of copy move forgery.These papers elaborate role of phase correlation in "Copy Move forgery". Soon I will upload running code for this application.,2012-08-05 19:51:37,下载243次
Matlab-code-to-obtain-MAC-address.rar - Matlab code to obtain MAC address or physical Address of PC,2012-07-06 13:31:33,下载4次 - program robotic arm wireless servo motors 89v51 C program,2011-05-14 01:47:27,下载3次 - Plot sin vs cos to get feel of complex exponential signals,2010-11-27 03:00:58,下载2次 - Colour to gray image conversion ,2009-05-11 06:09:12,下载2次

