
注册日期:2009-05-20 18:43:09

[OReilly]_Java_Servlet_Programming_2nd.rar - The second edition of this popular book has been completely updated to add the new features of the Java Servlet API Version 2.2, and new chapters on servlet security and advanced communication. In addition to completely covering the 2.2 specification, we have included bonus material on the new 2.3 version of the specification. ,2009-05-20 20:05:35,下载8次
Zend_PHP_5_Certification_5tudy_Guide_Oct_2006.rar - Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide Oct 2006,2009-05-20 20:01:17,下载1次
Beginning_CSS_Web_Development_From_Novice_to_Prof - Packed with essential, practical techniques— you’ll learn CSS from the ground up in no time.,2009-05-20 19:58:30,下载3次
dataCompress.rar - I was pleasantly surprised when in November 2005 a message arrived from Wayne Wheeler, the new computer science editor of Springer Verlag, notifying me that he in tends to qualify this book as a Springer major reference work (MRW), thereby releasing past restrictions on page counts, freeing me from the constraint of having to compress my style, and making it possible to include important and interesting data compression methods that were either ignored or mentioned in passing in previous editions.,2009-05-20 19:49:19,下载3次
Kernel_Methods_for_Pattern_Analysis.rar - Pattern Analysis is the process of fi nding general relations in a set of data, and forms the core of many disciplines, from neural networks to so-called syn- tactical pattern recognition, from statistical pattern recognition to machine learning and data mining. Applications of pattern analysis range from bioin- formatics to document retrieval.,2009-05-20 19:16:28,下载7次

