
注册日期:2009-05-25 13:44:01

principlescomputergraphics.zip - Excellent Book on Computer Geometry. Check my other posts for the complete set of 5 books. Have fun! ,2010-08-18 04:29:47,下载1次
OpenGLProgrammingGuideOpenGL6E___pdf_.zip - Excellent Book on Computer Geometry. Check my other posts for the complete set of 5 books. Have fun! ,2010-08-18 04:22:44,下载1次
MathematicsComputerGraphics.zip - Excellent Book on Computer Geometry. Check my other posts for the complete set of 5 books. Have fun! ,2010-08-18 04:14:05,下载1次
GeometricDataSructures.zip - Excellent Book on Computer Geometry. You might want to check my other posts for the complete set of 4 books. Have fun! ,2010-08-18 04:06:25,下载1次
GeometricComputerGraphics.zip - Excellent Book on Computer Geometry. Check my other posts for the complete set of 4 books. Have fun! ,2010-08-18 03:54:35,下载1次
ProVisualCplusplus.rar - just another Visual CPP book.m From bigginer to pro,2010-06-02 18:11:34,下载2次
Be_a_Professional_IronPython_Programmer.rar - An Excentlent book for all python programmers and those who antisipate to be one. Have fun!,2010-06-02 13:56:17,下载2次
InverseProblemTheory.rar - Good Book on the inverse Problem Theory,2010-05-05 02:40:39,下载9次
genetic-programming-theory-and-practice.rar - Avanced book on Genetic Algorithm. Very goo stuff. Have fun!,2010-05-03 02:16:23,下载3次
MultiObOptimiz.rar - Good Optimazation book,2010-05-01 12:24:20,下载2次
ProbStatComp.rar - Good book for statistics and signal processing. A most for all EE students,2010-05-01 12:16:23,下载2次
OpenGLShadingLanguage3rdEd.rar - The best book sofar on OpenGL GLUT computer Graphics. Have fun!,2010-05-01 11:11:13,下载4次
FormSignPro.zip - Good summary with all main Formulas of Digital Signal Processing. What a blessing,2010-04-17 15:19:41,下载2次
Snow_Leopard_Programming.rar - Excellent book on Mac OS X Snow leopard programming. From Basics too Profi.,2010-04-15 22:13:14,下载7次
MATLABProgrammingEngineers.zip - Very good starting manual for matlab. For students as well as for practitioners and engineers. From novice to experts,2009-08-09 17:43:44,下载2次
MATLABProgramming.zip - Very good starting manual for matlab. For students as well as for practitioners,2009-08-09 17:37:01,下载3次
MATLABDemystified.zip - Very good starting manual for matlab,2009-08-09 17:32:29,下载2次
Matlab_Programming.zip - Very good starting manual for matlab,2009-08-09 17:23:43,下载2次
LearningMatlabVersion.zip - Very good starting manual for matlab,2009-08-09 17:18:04,下载2次
NewFolder.zip - Excelent Document on Matlab. From codding to Grafic users interfaces. A must have,2009-08-09 17:09:03,下载2次
Academic.Press.Introduction.to.CDMA.Wireless.Comm - Very advanced book on Mobile Radio communication CDMA,2009-06-08 09:13:32,下载2次
Fundamentals_of_Spread_Spectrum_Modulation.zip - Good Book for beginers to spread spectrum. Very easy to understand,2009-06-08 09:07:27,下载2次
Addison.Wesley.ATL.Internals.Working.with.ATL.8.2 - The Classic Guide to ATLNow Updated for ATL 8 and Visual Studio 2005,2009-06-08 07:26:02,下载5次
prof_C++.zip - Professional C++ Very good book on C++ from A to Z,2009-06-08 07:10:30,下载2次
Wrox.Professional.Visual.Studio.2005.Aug.2006.zip - Wrox.Professional.Visual.Studio.2005.Aug.2006.pdf Exccelent book on Visual Studio Both for Beginers and experts,2009-06-08 06:55:32,下载4次
Wrox.Ivor.Hortons.Beginning.Visual.C.Plus.Plus.20 - Wrox.Ivor.Hortons.Beginning.Visual.C.plus.plus.2008.Feb.2006.pdf Exccelent book on Visual C++/C++ its a muss have for any windows programmer. Recent Version for VS2008,2009-06-08 06:35:34,下载4次
Wrox.Ivor.Hortons.Beginning.Visual.C.plus.plus.20 - Wrox.Ivor.Hortons.Beginning.Visual.C.plus.plus.2005.Feb.2006.pdf Exccelent book on Visual C++/C++ its a muss have for any windows programmer,2009-06-08 06:22:19,下载2次
Prentice.Cpp.GUI.Programming.With.Qt3.eBook-LiB.z - Prentice.Cpp.GUI.Programming.With.Qt3.eBook-LiB.chm Cross platform Graphic user interface programming book. QT Programming book featuring Qmake and CMAKE building systems . Very good book ,2009-06-08 06:09:57,下载4次
Apress.Foundations.of.Qt.Development.Aug.2007.zip - Apress.Foundations.of.Qt.Development.Aug.2007.pdf Cross platform Graphic user interface programming book. QT Programming book featuring Qmake and CMAKE building systems . Very good book ,2009-06-08 06:03:59,下载5次

