
注册日期:2009-06-02 18:13:28

datamining_aprori.rar - Data Mining Sample using APRORI Algorithm. The data mining process is done based on the Aprori Algorithm. Developed using c sharp.,2010-01-11 17:57:11,下载11次
wsn_matlab.rar - A sample wireless sensor network simulation module developed using matlab. It is very useful for wireless network simulations. It is like NS2 , Glomosim , QualNet , OpNet.,2010-01-11 17:52:00,下载399次
RSA.rar - RSA encryption using private key and RSA decryption using public key. c sharp implementation.,2010-01-11 17:13:18,下载47次
xmlSearch.rar - a c sharp application to open and search within a xml file. ,2010-01-11 17:10:48,下载5次
xmlrw.rar - An sample application to read and write to XML files using c sharp,2010-01-11 17:07:33,下载7次
xmlDel.rar - An sample application to demonstrate the Delete operation in XML Files using c sharp,2010-01-11 17:05:20,下载2次
gsm_kit.rar - Using Serial Port DLL in an GSM KIT apllication. The serial prot communicates through the serial port with the GSM KIT /Mobilephone attached to the serial /usb port,2010-01-11 17:00:21,下载7次
client_server_TCP_IP.rar - TCP_IP Client Server Module using C sharp dot net,2010-01-11 16:56:16,下载31次

MRELBPcode.rar - Implementation of "Median Robust Extended Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification" (for Matlab)
