
注册日期:2009-06-05 14:27:38

tick2text.zip - This function creates text objects that mimic x and y tick labels, while the original tick labels are removed. The text object format allows more modification (such as color, rotation, etc) than the original tick labels, and also allows TeX strings to be utilized in tick labels (see xformat and yformat inputs for more details). ,2009-06-06 10:44:11,下载2次
wind_rose.zip - Wind_rose Syntax: HANDLES = WIND_ROSE(D,I,VARARGIN) ,2009-06-06 10:42:07,下载12次
intelf11_64bit.zip - MEXING WITH IFORT 11.0 IN 64 BIT MATLAB,2009-06-06 10:41:06,下载4次
wind_field.zip - velocity field using weather code,2009-06-06 10:40:10,下载6次
mc_ext_.zip - C/C++ and Matlab types convertor,2009-06-06 10:37:58,下载3次
operatornew.zip - This code enables you to use the "new" and "delete" keywords in C++ to allocate and deallocate your memory. This enables you to create objects with constructors dynamically. Normally, using new and delete in MEX files might leak memory if the user presses Ctrl+C or the MEX file terminates with an error. This code modífies "new" and "delete" to register all allocated memory with MATLAB s memory manager. No modifications to existing C++ code is required.,2009-06-06 10:35:09,下载3次
fsmem_mvgm.zip - Free Split and Merge Expectation-Maximization algorithm for Multivariate Gaussian Mixtures. This algorithm is suitable to estimate mixture parameters and the number of conpounds ,2009-06-06 10:34:01,下载40次
matlab_xunit_2.0.zip - MATLAB xUnit Test Framework is a unit test framework for MATLAB code. MATLAB xUnit is designed to be easy to use for MATLAB users with a wide range of experience. Users can write tests using ordinary MATLAB function files that are very simple in structure. ,2009-06-06 10:33:15,下载5次

