
注册日期:2009-06-14 17:36:51

EM_Theory_And_Applications_to_Photonic_Crystals.r - Electromagnetic theory and applications to Photonic crystals. Advances in photonic crystals. Different methods of analysis and design of photonic crystals.,2009-06-16 00:49:26,下载14次
One_dimensional_wave_equation_finite_differences. - Numerical solution of 1D wave equation in finite differences (matlab code),2009-06-16 00:20:05,下载17次
Finite_difference_Methods_for_ODE_and_PDE.rar - Finite Difference methods for solution of PDE and ODE. Presented mathematical algoritms for solution of Partial Differential Equations and Ordinary Differential Equations. Matlab codes included in the text.,2009-06-16 00:16:13,下载56次
Hertel_dielectric_waveguides.rar - Dielectric waveguides. Outstanding handbook in electrooptics. Examples of different methods for analysis of modes of dielectric waveguides .Matlab codes are included.,2009-06-16 00:06:03,下载5次
Poisson_2D.rar - Numerical solution of 2D Poisson equation (Matlab code + comments in Russian),2009-06-15 23:55:36,下载79次
Introduction_to_Photonic_crystals_Transfer_matrix - Introduction to photonic crystals. Very good textbook on photonic crystals. Includes Matlab codes for analysis of photonic crystals by Transfer Matrix Method (TMM),2009-06-15 23:44:37,下载64次
Lourtioz_Photonic_crystals.rar - Photonic crystals - towards nanoscale devices. Advances in photonic crystals analysis and applications,2009-06-15 20:36:19,下载13次
BMP_broken_fiber.rar - Beam propagation method - light propagation along planar waveguide, which is broken. The code could be easily modified for unbroken waveguide and two waveguides.,2009-06-15 20:27:50,下载9次
Radar_Systems_Analysis_and_Design_Using_MatLab.ra - Radar systems analysis with Matlab. Theoretical texbook + matlab codes in the text.,2009-06-15 20:23:42,下载14次
Joannopoulos_Photonic_Crystals.rar - Joannopoulos "Photonic crystals. Molding the flow of light" - one of the best books on photonic crystals,2009-06-15 20:13:58,下载7次
Sakoda_Optical_Properties_of_Photonic_Crystals.ra - Sakoda. "Opticla properties of photonic crystals" - one of the best books on photonic crystals,2009-06-15 19:49:55,下载8次

