
注册日期:2009-08-25 09:19:47

entropandinformationtheory.rar - 信息论基础教程,经典讲解,是由于通信领域各层次工作人员,2009-11-26 14:07:57,下载7次
complexanalysis.rar - 数学理论-复分析基础教程,国外经典教材PDF版,2009-11-26 14:06:23,下载4次
calc3book_java.zip - 《Vector Calculus》随书代码,JAVA语言实现,2009-11-26 14:03:59,下载3次
adaptivefilter.rar - 自适应滤波器原理第四版(答案与代码),作者西蒙-霍金,2009-11-26 14:01:43,下载295次
ProbabilityRandomProcessesandErgodicProperties.rar - 概率,随机过程基础理论,国外经典教材,是通信,电子类工程师必备参考书,2009-11-26 13:57:21,下载10次
FirstCourseInLinearAlgebraRobertBeezer.rar - 线性代数经典教材First Course In Linear Algebra Robert,2009-11-26 13:53:45,下载3次
Inside_Mac_OS_X_Kernel_Programming.rar - The purpose of this document is to provide fundamental high-level information about the Mac OS X core operating-system architecture. It also provides background for system programmers and developers of device drivers, file systems, and network extensions. In addition, it goes into detail about topics of interest to kernel programmers as a whole. This is not a document on drivers. It covers device drivers at a high level only. It does, however, cover some areas of interest to driver writers, such as crossing the user-kernel boundary. If you are writing device drivers, you should primarily read the document Inside Mac OS X: I/O Kit Fundamentals , but you may still find this document helpful as background reading.,2009-08-25 09:32:02,下载22次
MonteCarlo.zip - hs is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences ,2009-08-25 09:25:26,下载102次

