
注册日期:2009-08-26 10:12:39

上传列表 - DM365瑞泰开发板电路原理图,实验手册 使用手册 适合dm365初学者使用,2013-08-02 12:35:56,下载38次
live.2010.07.29.tar.gz - livemedia rtp 库源码This code forms a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries - which can be compiled for Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), Windows, and QNX (and other POSIX-compliant systems) - can be used to build streaming applications. The libraries are already being used to implement applications such as "the LIVE555 Media Server" (a RTSP server application), "liveCaster" and "playRTPMPEG" (for streaming MP3 audio using RTP/RTCP), and "vobStreamer" (for streaming DVD content using RTP/RTCP/RTSP). The libraries can also be used to stream, receive, and process MPEG, H.263+, DV or JPEG video, and several audio codecs. They can easily be extended to support additional (audio and/or video) codecs, and can also be used to build basic RTSP or SIP clients and servers, and have been used to add streaming support to existing media player applications, such as "VLC" and "MPlayer". ,2010-08-03 20:33:13,下载49次
shareaza.rar - 一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具!此为源码,2009-09-18 10:43:55,下载12次
mfcxxxx.rar - 解析xml 编辑xml节点,添加xml节点,2009-09-04 15:01:54,下载10次
ewqeeq.rar - 基于DOM-XML学生信息管理系统报告 基于DOM实现相关操作的的方法的编写,2009-08-26 10:31:46,下载140次

