
注册日期:2009-08-30 23:18:57

myCalender.rar - 日历程序(用C语言编写),可以在单片机上直接引用。,2013-11-26 16:39:06,下载3次 - android 中对话框的应用, 代码可在项目中直接用,2013-11-26 16:30:34,下载8次 - WIFI的使用在android4.0以上版本,2013-11-26 16:19:17,下载9次
BluetoothChat.rar - 蓝牙在android中的应用,2013-11-26 16:14:41,下载9次
ex08c.rar - I deliberately kept the EX08B example simple to clearly illustrate the use of the Web Browser control. However, I couldn t resist upgrading the program so that I could use it as my primary Internet browser,2011-03-04 11:36:19,下载5次
ex08b.rar - Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x has become a leading Web browser. I was surprised to find out that most of its functionality is contained in one big ActiveX control, Shdocvw.dll. When you run Internet Explorer, you launch a small shell program that loads this Web Browser control in its main window,2011-03-04 11:35:43,下载5次
ex06b.rar - I won t try to contrive a business-oriented example that uses all the custom controls. I ll just slap the controls in a modal dialog and trust that you ll see what s going on. The steps are shown below. After step 3, the instructions are oriented to the individual controls rather than to the Visual C++ components you ll be using. ,2011-03-04 11:34:24,下载5次
ex05c.rar - You saw the CScrollView class in Chapter 4 (in EX04C). The EX05C program allows the user to move an ellipse with a mouse by "capturing" the mouse, using a scrolling window with the MM_LOENGLISH mapping mode. Keyboard scrolling is left out, but you can add it by borrowing the OnKeyDown member function from EX04C. Instead of a stock brush, we ll use a pattern brush for the ellipse—a real GDI object. There s one complication with pattern brushes: you must reset the origin as the window scrolls otherwise, strips of the pattern don t line up and the effect is ugly. ,2011-03-04 11:33:19,下载7次
ex05b.rar - This program is similar to EX05A except that it shows multiple fonts. The mapping mode is MM_ANISOTROPIC, with the scale dependent on the window size,2011-03-04 11:32:19,下载3次
ex05a.rar - This example sets up a view window with the logical twips mapping mode. A text string is displayed in 10 point sizes with the Arial TrueType font. Here are the steps for building the application,2011-03-04 11:30:58,下载2次
ex03a.rar - AppWizard generated the CEx03aView view class, and this class is specific to the EX03A application,2011-03-04 11:29:24,下载4次
Serial.rar - the sourcecode for operating serial port,2009-08-30 23:53:07,下载2次
AccessDataBase.rar - the sourcecode for access operating ,2009-08-30 23:51:30,下载2次
ui_onboard.rar - keyboard operating for macricontroller,2009-08-30 23:49:38,下载2次
CA24064B.rar - the Sourcecode for operating LCD,2009-08-30 23:46:55,下载3次
UserManeger1.rar - the sourcecode for operating access database.,2009-08-30 23:43:21,下载3次

