
注册日期:2009-09-14 18:18:43

smmod.rar - Synchronous machine model,2009-09-15 10:26:26,下载57次
smphasor8.rar - sm phasor diagram L=length(t) Ifd=iff(L) Ifq=0 Efd=0 Efq=Lmd*iff(L) Id=i(L,1) Iq=i(L,2) I=Id+j*Iq Vd=v(L,1) Vq=v(L,2) V=Vd+j*Vq VILq=-(Ra+Lq*j)*I Vqp=V+VILq Vqpd=real(Vqp) Vqpq=imag(Vqp) VLd=vL(L,1) VLq=vL(L,2) ,2009-09-15 10:04:30,下载11次
imphasor0.rar - IMPHASOR0 M-file for imphasor0.fig IMPHASOR0, by itself, creates a new IMPHASOR0 or raises the existing singleton*. H = IMPHASOR0 returns the handle to a new IMPHASOR0 or the handle to the existing singleton*. IMPHASOR0( Property , Value ,...) creates a new IMPHASOR0 using the given property value pairs. Unrecognized properties are passed via varargin to imphasor0_OpeningFcn. This calling syntax produces a warning when there is an existing singleton*. IMPHASOR0( CALLBACK ) and IMPHASOR0( CALLBACK ,hObject,...) call the local function named CALLBACK in IMPHASOR0.M with the given input arguments.,2009-09-15 10:00:26,下载4次
SI1.rar - SI1 M-file for SI1.fig SI1, by itself, creates a new SI1 or raises the existing singleton*. J = SI1 returns the handle to a new SI1 or the handle to the existing singleton*. SI1( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in SI1.M with the given input arguments. SI1( Property , Value ,...) creates a new SI1 or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before SI1_OpeningFunction gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to SI1_OpeningFcn via varargin.,2009-09-15 09:54:49,下载4次
im.rar - INDUCTION MOTOR RUN (Currents and speed as state variables) The motor is running at a specified load. After reaching steady state in an initialization first run, the initial conditions are established for a second run in which the load is pulsating. The dynamic equations are expressed in canonical first-order matrix form adopting currents and speed as state variables, and are solved using ODE45. The user has the choice of selecting one of three common (dq) reference frames: STATOR, ROTOR or SYNCHRONOUS. The torque, speed,and current responses are plotted. ,2009-09-14 19:52:33,下载44次
actach.rar - you have an AC tachometer. this program ask you about machine parameters in per unit consist of stator resistance,reactance, rotor resistance,reactance,magnetizing reactance, voltage, frequency, min speed and max speed. so,voltage output,tourqe and ... will be out put which will show as a diagram,2009-09-14 19:32:22,下载15次

