
注册日期:2009-09-24 09:52:03

mdlopen.zip - It cab be open old format of mdl file on new version of matlab invalid model name or file does not exist. due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting windows-949 clc clear close all bdclose all set_param(0, CharacterEncoding , ISO-8859-1 ) ,2014-10-04 18:41:09,下载3次
oldmdl.zip - If you cannot open or load the old format mdl files on your latest version of simulink. You just run this file. you can open and load the old legacy format mdl files on you latest version of simulink,2014-02-05 07:49:34,下载5次
Kalker_code.rar - Kalker s all code 1. Exact solution 2. Linear Solution 3. Simplifiend solution 4. FASTSIM + POLACH s contact algorithm,2010-04-12 12:43:31,下载186次
FASTSIM.rar - Kalker s FASTSIM code using fortran,2010-04-12 12:41:05,下载107次
CREEP_FORCE.rar - Creep force calculate and simulate simple model using matlab,2010-04-12 12:39:23,下载66次
Wheelrail_profiles.zip - S1002 Wheel and UIC 60 Rail profiles are plotted by numerical function based form referenced paper : Rail Profile reference from The Dynamics of a Railway Vehicle on a Disturbed Track page 80. Appendix A,2010-04-12 12:35:18,下载138次
robodemo.rar - this is very simple robot demo program using matlab and you can take a graphical output,2010-04-12 12:30:27,下载4次
oldmdl.rar - when old *mdl files or m files can not open in latest version. you just type in this scrip or run it,2010-04-12 12:28:59,下载3次

finalrcm.rar - fuzzy clustering for rule base
Copy-of-an9.rar - Fuzzy rule base using GA
anil9_1.rar - fuzzy rule base code
PSO.rar - This paper propose a Firefly algorithm (FA) for optimal placement and sizing of distributed generation (DG) in radial distribution system to minimize the total real power losses and to improve the voltage profile. FA is a metaheuristic algorithm which is inspired by the flashing behavior of fireflies. The primary purpose of firefly’s flash is to act as a signal system to attract other fireflies. Metaheuristic algorithms are widely recognized as one of the most practical approaches for hard optimization problems. The most attractive feature of a metaheuristic is that its application requires no special knowledge on the optimization problem. In this paper, IEEE 33- bus distribution test system is used to show the effectiveness of the FA. Comparison with Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA) is also given.
DG_PSO.zip - 利用PSO算法求解分布式电源的选址定容问题,并考虑了分布式电源的随机性
NSGA-II.rar - this file is optimal sizing component DG by using algorithm GA
ps.rar - A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Optimal Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Radial Distribution Feeders with Distorted Substation Voltages
PSO.rar - A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Optimal Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Radial Distribution Feeders with Distorted Substation Voltages
Binary-PSO.rar - A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Optimal Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Radial Distribution Feeders with Distorted Substation Voltages
家庭能量管理负荷优化调度.rar - 家庭能量管理负荷优化调度。计及光伏出力、储能对可平移负荷进行调度以实现节能效果。有注释。
power_HEMS.zip - 这个例子显示了家庭能源管理系统在电网电力和分布式电源之间切换。
PMS.rar - PMS,很好地显示了船舶能量管理系统中发电机并网的效果,仿真可行性比较高
integer_S.rar - 双输入DCDC系统,用于燃料电池汽车的燃料电池和蓄电池输入能量管理
ems.zip - 微电网能量管理,光伏 风机 储能通过在能量管理方法基础上进行的案例验证,通过案例,反应不同种类以及不同数量的分布式能源应用能量协调控制方案后所产生的不同经济效益,然后对比能量协调控制方案的独立运行与联合运行控制的区别,得出多微网能量管理的最佳解决方案。
APF_SVG.rar - 实现SVG和APF的总能电能治理,适合初学者使用,使用dq电流控制
codes.rar - Home Energy Management systems using PSO
Energy-Management-Systems-And-Direct-Digital-Cont - For energy management researcher
crusie.rar - AVL CRUISE 软件是用于车辆系统动力学仿真分析的高级软件,可以轻松实现对复杂车辆动 力传动系统的仿真分析,通过其便捷通用的模型元件,直观易懂的数据管理系统以及基于工程应用开发设计的建模流程和软件接口,AVL CRUISE 软件已经成功的在整车生产商和零部件供应商之间搭建起了沟通的桥梁。
psb2machines_pss.rar - 一1000 MW水电站(机组M1)通过一条500 kV, 700 km的输电线路与负载中心连接。负载中心模型是5000 MW的阻抗负载,由遥远的1000 MW电站和当地的5000 MW (机组 M2)电站供电。系统已经初始化,因此线路传送950 MW,接近它的潮流阻抗负载(SIL = 977 MW)。这两台机相当于一台水轮机和管理(HTG),励磁系统和电力系统稳定器(PSS)。这三个模块位于“涡轮和调速”子系统中。通过此例,在500 kV系统中制造故障,观察PSS对系统稳定性的影响。
runduopf.rar - 最优潮流计算,可用于电力系统输电阻塞管理,经济调度等
