
注册日期:2009-09-29 17:23:26

timertest.rar - This program is written in C for AVR Microcontrollers. It is to be compiled witn GCC compiler which is available for Free. The Program is for learning and using Timers in AVR. Very useful in scanning data after a prespecified time interval.,2009-10-01 14:54:57,下载4次
swled_asm.rar - This program is written in Assembly language for AVR Microcontrollers. It is to be compiled witn AVR Studio is available for Free. The Program is for learning and using input and output ports of AVR using Switches and LED s for inputting and outputing data.,2009-10-01 14:53:16,下载3次
adc.rar - This program is written in C for AVR Microcontrollers. It is to be compiled witn GCC compiler which is available for Free. The Program is for learning and using ADC ( 10 Bit) available in AVR Atmega16.,2009-10-01 14:50:19,下载14次
CLOCK.rar - This program is written in C for AVR Microcontrollers. It is to be compiled witn GCC compiler which is available for Free. The Program is for learning and using i2c protocol for the avr. this is standard 2 wire protocol for transfer of data. the program is for programming Real Time Clock IC from Dallas DS1307 which accepts commands from i2c port. ,2009-10-01 14:48:41,下载10次
uart_c.rar - This program is written in C for AVR Microcontrollers. It is to be compiled witn GCC compiler which is available for Free. The Program is for learning and using USART port of AVR to communicate with PC COM port.,2009-10-01 14:45:24,下载15次
LCD16X2.rar - This program is written in C for AVR Microcontrollers. It is to be compiled witn GCC compiler which is available for Free. The Program is for learning and using LCD 16x2 display for displaying data.,2009-10-01 14:41:39,下载11次

