
注册日期:2009-10-01 13:33:13

ProgrammingtheParallelPort.rar - Programming the parallel ports - Interfacing the PC for data acquisition and process control - by - Dhananjay V.Gadre,2009-10-05 13:54:41,下载5次
LabViewEngineeringFundamentalsofDigitalElectronic - Lab View - Fundamentals of Digital Electronicsw by Professor Barry Paton Dalhousie University,2009-10-05 13:51:34,下载3次
SamilPalnitkar.rar - Verilog HDL A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second edition IEEE 1364-2001 compliant by Samir Palnitkar. This book will definitely going to be very useful for the beginners as the contents of it are well explained with proper examples and illustrations. The author starts the language from very scratch to professional level.,2009-10-05 13:44:37,下载12次
VerilogHDLSynthesisJBaskar.rar - J. Bhasker, Verilog HDL Synthesis, a practical primer. This book explains right from the scratch how to become a proficient in Verilog HDL language. Great for the the beginners. The author has explained the verilog language in a very lucid manner and in detail.,2009-10-05 13:40:36,下载9次
LetUsCYashwantKanetkar.rar - Let us C - ebook by Yashwant kanetkar its a C-programming book explained in very simple language and very good for the beginners. It has a variety of examples and exercises explained.,2009-10-05 13:33:33,下载5次

