
注册日期:2009-10-15 14:34:40

Linux&Android.rar - 移远EC200(LTE通讯模块)相关资料。包括硬件资料和相关AT指令。 (Quectel EC200 (LTE communication module) related information. Including hardware information and related AT instructions.),2020-04-03 21:36:45,下载19次
roadmap2016.rar - 路线图编制以为国家制定产业政策提供支撑、为行业技术发展指明方向、为 企业战略决策提供参考为主要目标,基于当前光伏技术和产业的发展现状,从光 伏产业链多晶硅、硅棒/ 硅锭、硅片、电池、组件、平衡部件、系统等各个环节 抽取出可代表该领域发展水平的指标,这些指标涵盖产业、技术、市场等各个层面。路线图编制以为国家制定产业政策提供支撑、为行业技术发展指明方向、为 企业战略决策提供参考为主要目标,基于当前光伏技术和产业的发展现状,从光 伏产业链多晶硅、硅棒/ 硅锭、硅片、电池、组件、平衡部件、系统等各个环节 抽取出可代表该领域发展水平的指标,这些指标涵盖产业、技术、市场等各个层面。,2017-03-09 10:20:06,下载6次
Huawei-IoT-concept-2016.rar - 华为2016物联网新理念,重点在于NB-IoT,2016-08-26 21:16:50,下载42次
Cisco-Prime-Home-Data-Sheet.rar - The proliferation of Internet-connected devices and the explosion of video and data traffic are driving complexity in the home network. Increasing numbers of new devices need to be installed and provisioned, and multiple devices running multiple applications often create resource contention within the home. These factors trigger support calls and truck rolls for the service provider, and automating and simplifying management of customer premises equipment (CPE) in home networks has become mission-critical.,2014-01-16 17:44:40,下载1次
Cisco_In_the_Cloud.rar - Full virtualization Runs on bare metal Referred to as ‘Type-1 Hypervisor’ ESX is the OS (and of course the VMM) ESX handles privileged executions from Guest kernels Emulates hardware when appropriate Uses ‘Trap and Emulate’ and ‘Binary Translation’ Guest OS run as if it were business as usual Except they really run in user mode (including their kernels) ,2014-01-16 17:43:08,下载1次
IPSec-NAT.rar - IPSec AH and NAT AH integrity check covers addresses in the IP header. The integrity check fails at the destination due to NAT /reverse-NAT modifying these addresses. This applies to both AH transport and tunnel modes. Note that this does not apply to ESP ,2014-01-16 17:40:55,下载7次
IPv6_Enterprise_Deployment.rar - Mostly or completely past the “why?” phase Assessment (e2e) Weeding out vendors (features and $) Focus on training and filling gaps ,2014-01-16 17:38:26,下载1次
IPv6_Address_Concept.rar - Follow RFC 3531* method if possible Start assigning subnets away from the bit boundaries in the addressing plan Leave the space around the bit boundaries unassigned as long as possible This provides flexibility if there is a future requirement to move one or more of these bit boundaries left or right ,2014-01-16 17:36:18,下载1次
Atmega256RFR2.rar - Ethernet gateway for IEEE® 802.15.4 wireless networks,2014-01-16 17:33:26,下载4次
jperf-2.0.2.rar - 非常好的带宽测试软件,测试UDP参数很全面,2011-05-25 14:09:29,下载78次
dproxy-nexgen.rar - 支持IPv6 的dns proxy,某些特定的人群可能用得到,2010-05-17 16:10:20,下载76次
TK3715_Data_Sheet_V1.0.rar - TK3715 Datasheet,200912,2010-01-27 13:42:45,下载100次 - goText is a free software for Mobile Phones to send free SMS messages over GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/WiFi connection. It is coded in Java (J2ME) with MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0 profiles, so it can be used an almost any java enabled mobile phone/device,2009-10-15 15:01:32,下载167次
zsnes_1_51.rar - It is a SNES/Super Famicom emulator for x86 computers. It runs on Windows, MS-DOS and Linux/FreeBSD and supports mode 7, sound, Super FX, and a lot more,2009-10-15 14:55:17,下载48次
DivFix.rar - DivFix++ is yours AVI video repair and preview software. It designed for repair and preview files which are on download from ed2k(emule), torrent, gnutella, ftp. web or any other source on the internet. It can repair AVI and DivX files,2009-10-15 14:48:22,下载9次
Client-1-0.tar.gz - c/c++ 命令行上载工具,基于GPL 协议,2009-10-15 14:36:59,下载23次

Verilog的135个经典设计实例.rar - Verilog的135个经典设计实例 verilog学习
《Verilog HDL数字设计与综合》.rar - 电子书籍,讲述关于Verilog HDL的设计与综合,非常适合初学者入门学习
Verilog HDL数字设计与综合 夏宇闻译(第二版).rar - 电子书籍 verilog HDL 数字设计与综合 夏宇闻所编写
Verilog.rar - verilog数字系统设计教程-夏宇闻,夏宇闻的书,很经典,经典中的经典
北航夏宇闻verilog讲稿ppt.rar - 北航夏宇闻verilog讲稿ppt - 用Verilog语言描述电路,实现lena图像的顺时针旋转90度
sjcj.rar - LabVIEW编程语言实现振动信号的多通道数据采集
xinhaocaiji-.rar - 用于振动信号的采集,LABVIEW程序,用于齿轮箱等机械设备的振动故障诊断。
bootloader和两个APP.rar - 实现stm32 BootLoader升级
stm8-32-sht-20-30.rar - 读取SHT20传感器,方便开发者快速入门
SHT20.rar - 温湿度传感器SHT20中文手册及开发源代码 - 通过ADXL345加速度计开发的倾角测量程序
ADC采集测试程序.zip - 本程序为倾角传感器试验,用c编程检测倾角角度及显示信息。
QMA7981数据手册及检测倾斜角度和震动中断程序.rar - QMA7981数据手册英文版以及中文对照版,中文版机翻,基本可以阅读。 附带7981倾斜角度和震动中断设置程序。倾斜角度代码用于检测水平和倾斜状态,震动中断用于唤醒单片机睡眠状态。 图片为QMA7981脚位连接图,适合本人代码。 - 用STM32控制AD7606采样,SPI串口通信
VC_AdvantechDAQ.rar - 里面包含研华DAQ的各个重要功能源码,数字量输入输出,模拟量输入输出等
AD7606PSTM32Psch.rar - STM32 +AD7606的应用和原理图 及说明 - EVAL_AD7606开发板手册,官网上没有,最后在软件里附带文件找到;含原理图,跳接说明;
VDAS.rar - 本程序主要包括振动信号采集,时域分析和频域分析等功能。 - STM8S 模拟I2C程序,可以用于任何嵌入式mcu。
