
注册日期:2009-10-20 19:01:17

上传列表 - smart card development tool by w Rankl,2009-10-20 19:31:45,下载9次
clock_divider_lab.rar - Clock divider lab uusing xilinx tools, and simulator like modelsim,2009-10-20 19:18:09,下载11次
modeling_memory.rar - HDL source code for clocking excercise,2009-10-20 19:16:34,下载5次
mbtutorial.rar - This tutorial guides you through the process of using Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) software tools, in which this tutorial will use the Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) tool to create a simple processor system and the process of adding a custom OPB peripheral (an 32-bit adder circuit) to that processor system by using the Import Peripheral Wizard.,2009-10-20 19:11:54,下载16次
opb_ethernetlite.rar - The Ethernet Lite MAC (Media Access Controller) is designed to incorporate the applicable features described in the IEEE Std. 802.3 Media Independent Interface (MII) specification, which should be used as the definitive specification. Differences between the IEEE Std. 802.3 MII interface specification and the Xilinx Ethernet Lite MAC implementation are highlighted and explained in the Specification Exceptions section.,2009-10-20 19:07:37,下载56次

