
注册日期:2009-11-03 15:53:37

上传列表 - 干涉雷达处理的著名开源包,可以直接使用,建议做雷达干涉的下载,2009-11-24 06:55:07,下载77次 - VXL (the Vision-something-Libraries)是计算机视觉研究和实现库集。它从TargetJr和IUE演变而来,目的是成为一个轻量级、速度快和持久的系统。它可移植到很多平台。 ,2009-11-24 06:37:01,下载13次
animal-0.15.2.tar.gz - AnImaL is an imaging and computer vision library written in C. Differently from most other toolkits, it is intended to provide the maximum functionality by making strong usage of similar libraries. It is intended to be a common API to the best free imaging and computer vision libraries already available, such as ImageMagick. By defining a common API and using external libraries, AnImaL selects the best implementation available in them to implement a particular algorithm. This way AnImaL unites the best from the other libraries it uses,2009-11-24 06:21:47,下载3次
gdall16-compile.rar - 本人已经编译好的gdal1.6的开发包,可以直接使用,整理的比较清楚,2009-11-24 06:11:21,下载13次
MRFlib.rar - 本人打包的MRF算法包,可以直接使用,包括源码、头文件和库文件,2009-11-24 06:07:51,下载18次
vnl.rar - 强大数值计算库vnl的破解文件,绝对可以使用。,2009-11-08 00:42:07,下载3次
StereoMatcher.rar - 立体相对匹配的一个类的源码,比较适用,可以下载参考,2009-11-08 00:33:45,下载13次
mod_lowe_demoV2.tar.gz - This directory contains a compiled binary program for performing invariant keypoint detection as well as sample code showing the use of the keypoints for image matching.,2009-11-08 00:32:05,下载2次 - FLANN - Fast Library for Approximate Nearest neighbors This is a library for fast approximate nearest neighbor matching. ,2009-11-08 00:30:26,下载10次
diapl_src.rar - The programs are provided for those who would like to try the optimal image subtraction algorithm of Alard & Lupton (1998, ApJ, 503, 325),2009-11-08 00:22:00,下载2次 - Color Image Segmentation This is the implementation of the algorithm described in D. Comaniciu, P. Meer, Robust Analysis of Feature Spaces: Color Image Segmentation,,2009-11-08 00:12:24,下载9次
RRC.rar - This software package is developed for detecting salient closed boundaries from an image. The main codes were implemented in C++ using gcc-4.1 in Linux.,2009-11-08 00:11:35,下载4次
csc-src-1-2.rar - 彩色图像分割的算法,用C++实现的,程序清楚,可以下载参考。,2009-11-08 00:04:29,下载45次
object.tar.gz - Octree-Based Object Segment code 目标分割的代码。值得参考。,2009-11-07 23:57:41,下载35次
flash.rar - 数据结构和算法的动画演示,比较形象生动,可以下载使用,2009-11-07 23:37:35,下载29次 - 多边形运算的高效代码,有一定的商业意义。包所多种运算,超经典,2009-11-06 17:25:10,下载19次
Multivac-1.10.1.rar - 水平集工具箱,包括许多经典的水平集算法,做图像处理的可以下载,2009-11-06 17:20:45,下载43次 - 核面几何学工具箱。内容全面详细,可以参考。建议下载使用。,2009-11-06 17:18:16,下载10次 - 比较全面的模式识别工具箱,包括很多重要的算法实现,2009-11-06 17:06:23,下载6次
inference.tar.gz - 贝叶斯推理的代码,建议下载,极具参考意义,2009-11-06 00:40:32,下载20次 - The main part of the code uses improved Shape Context as feature descriptor and fit into a Hough Voting framework to detect objects. It can be used for initial hypothesis proposal. I hope you find this code helpful!,2009-11-06 00:38:30,下载178次 - matlab实现的图像标注开源代码,极有参考价值。,2009-11-06 00:28:40,下载231次 - lidar开发的重要开发包,针对近两年发展起来的激光雷达技术。做lidar的建议下载,2009-11-06 00:21:53,下载232次
eth.rar - eth苏黎世联邦理工学院的用于遥感影响建筑屋提取的宝贵程序,建议做信息提取的下载,2009-11-06 00:19:22,下载26次
burns.rar - 该程序是发表在IEEE上的经典直线提取论文“Extracting Straight Lines”的源代码实现,对计算机视觉、模式识别和信息提取等领域的科学研究人员具有极其重要的参看意义。建议下载学习和适用。,2009-11-05 23:47:20,下载188次
BNET-1.1.tar.gz - 贝叶斯网络的适用程序,适合初学者入门,非常好,建议大家下载,2009-11-03 15:56:45,下载69次

