
注册日期:2009-11-27 23:14:49

上传列表 - This is a simple sub classed control from CComboBox that allows you to apply skin to the combobox and its droplist. The skins used can be a pixel wide (for the background and corners of the droplist) to keep the control light.,2009-11-27 23:43:27,下载78次 - The inspiration has been iTunes album list control. This image list control let you display your images in a new 3D manner. No more boring images shown one after another but comes with a cool animation. The zoom level of unselected items can be controls and also the height of shadow, transparency of each unselected item, their position and animation speed. This is very useful control for displaying images in GUI rich applications. The control is derived from CListCtrl class so it can be extended so support conventional list control views or cool animated 3D view.,2009-11-27 23:41:16,下载38次 - Here is a solution for developers looking for a skin based slider control. It is different from the article Transparent Slider Control by Nic Wilson in the way that it allows you to skin the background and tick of the slider control and also allows you to have a customized cursor over the slider control. The main class for slider control is CZipSliderCtl that uses another bitmap class CZipBitmap for drawing normal and transparent images on the control. It is very easy to use and looks good (if you have good-looking images), so go for it. Follow the following instructions to use it in your application.,2009-11-27 23:38:03,下载15次 - Hi all!! Well I have been looking for a pie control that would use the skin images instead of simple colors and just could not find that. And I struggled quit a lot to make it but ..:( anyway so found out another solution that is 3D pie control that could satisfy my needs. I got it developed with one of my bright colleagues, Amit Ganguly, who is a fresh engineer and strong with mathematics. So guys just download it, use it, and let me know your comments,2009-11-27 23:35:22,下载14次 - The common dialog boxes on Windows are sufficient for most users. However there are always requirements where these dialog boxes need customization. I wanted users to choose not only color but specify the alpha values from the ColorDialog box. I customized the default ColorDialog box using Win32 API. There are some hacks, some dirty C# code (I am new to C# so any suggestions to improve code is very much welcome), but finally I have a customized C# ColorDialog box control where the user can not only choose the color but also specify the alpha value,2009-11-27 23:29:25,下载7次 - Well, creating DirectShow filters can be real pain at times especially Source filter. When I needed a source filter to generate my own images, I looked at the Ball source filter in DirectShow documentation but it was useless for me because I needed to generate my own image using my own painting. So, here it is. This filter lets you create your own DC and do all the painting in that DC. Everything painted on the DC is delivered to the downstream filters until finally renderer filters render the RGB data. The filter is based on CSourceStream to create the output pin and deliver the data, and CSource to create the source filter.,2009-11-27 23:28:02,下载14次

