
注册日期:2009-11-28 20:12:51

arm7_UART0-protues.rar - ARM LPC2138(LPC2148)16X2 2LINE LCD AND UART0 PROGRAM SIMULATED IN -protues I AM USING THE MDK4 KEIL COMPILER ,2011-10-20 13:53:26,下载54次
arm7_rtc-protues.rar - ARM LPC2138(LPC2148)16X2 LCD AND RTC PROGRAM SIMULATED IN -protues I AM USING THE MDK4 KEIL COMPILER ,2011-10-20 13:49:36,下载53次
arm7_pwm-protues.rar - ARM LPC2138(LPC2148)PWM PROGRAM SIMULATED IN -protues I AM USING THE MDK4 KEIL COMPILER ,2011-10-20 13:44:43,下载67次
arm7_led2-protues.rar - ARM LPC2138(LPC2148)LED ON AND OFF PROGRAM SIMULATED IN -protues I AM USING THE MDK4 KEIL COMPILER ,2011-10-20 13:31:44,下载18次
arm7_adc-protues.rar - ARM LPC2138(LPC2148) ADC PROGRAM SIMULATED IN -protues I AM USING THE MDK4 KEIL COMPILER ,2011-10-20 13:26:13,下载37次
arm7_16x2-lcd-protues.rar - ARM LPC2138(LPC2148)16X2 2LINE LCD PROGRAM SIMULATED IN -protues I AM USING THE MDK4 KEIL COMPILER ,2011-10-20 13:21:51,下载74次
PIC16F877A-2x16Lcd.rar - PROTUS SIMULATION FOR PIC16F877A AND 2X16 2 LINE LCD ,2011-10-08 23:39:38,下载5次
PIC16F877A-RTC-for-Protues.rar - PROTUES SIMULATION PIC16F877A-DS1307,2011-10-08 23:37:36,下载9次
PIC16F877A-PWM--for-Protues.rar - SIMULATING THE PIC MICROCONTROLLER IN PROTUES PIC16F877A -PWM ,2011-10-08 23:34:00,下载63次
PIC16F877aP8255.rar - PROTUS DESIGN USING PIC MICROCONTROLLER ,2011-08-15 22:24:22,下载5次

近期下载 - W25N01芯片驱动,适用于STM32连接外设SPI_Flash芯片的存储。 - 有源电力滤波器谐波抑制仿真图,包括谐波检测等环节。 - this a matlab Simulink program to simulate a three phase harmonic filter
APF190507_var212.rar - 电源频率变化下的有源电力滤波器,电源+负载+apf。电源频率变化,同步锁相 - 有源滤波器,用于过滤负载谐波电流和补偿无功功率,使得输电线路上的电流为基波分量。
VSC_HVDC1234.rar - This program is to reconfigure distribution network by Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) method for 33-bus distribution network. The object function is to minimize power loss. It runs in matpower 4.1 version. How to run it: 1. Download matpower version 4.1 for free at below link: 2. Extract matpower4.1 into folder. 3. Copy 3 files main.m case33.m and swarm33.m into folder matpower. network data, refer to the pdf file 33bus.
fuzzypid.rar - 永磁同步电机的模糊PI控制,采用双闭环控制
GSA.rar - DG placement for reduction of power loss in power distribution system using GSA
Desktop.rar - optimal placement of dg in radial distribution systems using fuzzy and pso - PID tuning by PSO: find the PID parameter using PSO optimization.
dg-placement.rar - It is code for( 33 bus IEEE data) DG placement code for minimizing a function using particle swarm optimization technique.
state-estimation-using-PSO.rar - 使用PSO算法来求解状态估计,测试算例为IEEE 33 test case,效果不错。
DG_PSO_P_33.rar - dg placement by pso algorithm
DG-optimal-PSO-algorithm.rar - 该算法可以计算含DG的配电网优化计算,算例采用IEEE 33 bus test system。
conp.rar - load flow program optimised using particle swam optimization pso
Genetic_Algorithm_DG&Capacitor.rar - This matlab codes is about dg & capacitor placement in power system using matpower. it is very useful...
code.rar - DG Placement use matpower package. use 2 test systems for validation code. optimal power flow and optimal DG placement in 33 and 69-bus standard systems. please add path MATPOWER in Matlab.
Reconfiguration.rar - Reconfiguration of distributed system for power loss minimization
Load-Flow-distribution-system-69-bus.rar - Power Flow of distribution system with 69bus Standard IEEE system in matlab
Load-Flow-distribution-system-33-bus.rar - Load flow in distribution system 33 bus
