
注册日期:2009-11-30 23:22:54

Mail_Agent.rar - this program is a mail agent uses pop3 and smtp protocols, written in .net c#, you can determine the server ip to begin sending.,2009-11-30 23:53:40,下载6次
Dns_Client.rar - this program is a dns protocol client, sends the query to certain server and analysis the answer to display it, it works using both udp and tcp protocols,2009-11-30 23:50:51,下载16次
Espil_FileSearch_Client_Server.rar - this is a client server application, the client send a word to the server so the server search for the word in all the files in certain directory,and thin return the result of the search to the client, the client can also replace a word with another one.,2009-11-30 23:46:52,下载5次
Server_Client_Database.rar - here we have Client Server application, the client can send a query to the server who execute it and return the result to the client, this program made in .net c#,2009-11-30 23:41:38,下载4次
Face_eye_mouse.rar - here we have a simple face and eye detection from a web cam, and your mouse will follow your face. i am trying to develop it making the mouse clicks when the eye blink?? ,2009-11-30 23:37:10,下载71次

