
注册日期:2009-12-12 13:43:18

DSP_selection_guide1.rar - dsp selecton guide dsp selecton guide dsp selecton guide dsp selecton guide dsp selecton guide,2012-10-06 19:19:19,下载3次
twinkler_programming.rar - this file can used for help for FT232H usb highspeed chip, it is from ftdichip .com,2012-06-13 18:05:47,下载5次 - this file can used for help for FT232H usb highspeed chip, it is from ftdichip .com,2012-06-13 18:04:55,下载13次 - this file can used for help for FT232H usb highspeed chip, it is from ftdichip .com,2012-06-13 18:04:38,下载6次 - this file can used for help for FT232H usb highspeed chip, it is from ftdichip .com,2012-06-13 17:59:03,下载3次 - this file can used for help for FT232H usb highspeed chip, it is from ftdichip .com,2012-06-13 17:44:29,下载6次 - this document help you for use of FT232H from FTDICHIP.COM company for high speed usb interface.,2012-06-13 17:41:37,下载4次 - this is for usb high speed chip ft232h ic from download and can used certainly.,2012-06-11 19:48:43,下载8次
melp_syn.rar - this is a code for melp vocoder in english language that can help you to know more about it download it soon , thanks,2011-12-24 02:49:59,下载5次
melp_ana.rar - this is a code for melp vocoder in english language that can help you to know more about it download it soon,2011-12-24 02:49:20,下载5次
S3HYBRID2004.rar - this is a book about melp vocoder in english language that can help you to know more about it download it soon,2011-12-24 02:48:30,下载5次
melp.rar - this is a book about melp vocoder in english language that can help you to know more about it,2011-12-24 02:47:30,下载13次
Paper.rar - NaturaL Language Process (NLP) Papers,2011-06-05 22:56:19,下载9次
BITS2PRM.rar - very good c program for software33,2009-12-12 13:52:18,下载2次
C1035PF.rar - very good c program for software77,2009-12-12 13:51:56,下载2次
BASICOP2.rar - very good c program for software6,2009-12-12 13:51:35,下载2次
AZ_LSP.rar - very good c program for software4,2009-12-12 13:51:03,下载3次
AUTOCORR.rar - very good c program for software1,2009-12-12 13:50:15,下载9次
AGC.rar - very good c program for software,2009-12-12 13:49:39,下载36次

