
注册日期:2009-12-22 22:14:07

mcmcstat.zip - MCMC toolbox for Matlab From this page you can download a set of Matlab function for some statistical MCMC analyses of mathematical models. This code might be useful to you if you are already familiar with Matlab and want to do MCMC analysis using it.,2010-01-09 03:15:49,下载38次
mcmcexamples.zip - MCMC toolbox for Matlab - Examples These examples are all Matlab scripts and the web pages are generated using the publish function in Matlab. The collection of examples can be downloaded as file mcmcexamples.zip. They use the MCMC toolbox,2010-01-09 03:14:22,下载54次
An_Introduction_to_Intelligent_and_Autonomous_Con - An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control edited by Panos J.Antsaklis University of Notre Dame & Kevin M. Passino The Ohio State University,2010-01-09 03:06:41,下载5次
Genetic_algo2.zip - some examples to solve problems with Genetic Algorithm. pdf,2010-01-09 02:57:30,下载6次
Numerical_Methods_in_Engineering_with_Matlab.rar - Book + source codes +solution manual Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB is a text for engineering students and a reference for practicing engineers.,2010-01-01 17:53:49,下载60次
fermi_E.rar - Fermi distribution. matlab files.,2009-12-23 00:03:11,下载26次
dipole.rar - Electric Field Vectors and Equipotential Lines of dipole+pics,2009-12-23 00:00:38,下载25次
Quadrupole.zip - Electric Field Vectors and Equipotential Lines of Quadrupole. matlab code and word and pdf files contained folder.,2009-12-22 23:58:20,下载11次
Temperature_Dependence.zip - Temperature Dependence of the concentration n electrons in the conduction band of n type semiconductor.,2009-12-22 23:49:17,下载10次
gaussian.rar - Gaussian Distribution.,2009-12-22 23:46:24,下载11次
FDTD.zip - calculation of one and two dimensional FDTD. 1D and 2D FDTD,2009-12-22 23:41:22,下载32次
Square_Array_PWE.rar - square array of 2 dimensional photonic crystals. ,2009-12-22 22:20:47,下载14次
besselzero.rar - finding zero for Bessel function,2009-12-22 22:16:48,下载12次

A-Quantum-Optics-Toolbox-for-Matlab-5.zip - In quantum optics, it is often necessary to simulate the equations of motion of a system coupled to a reservoir. Using a Schrö dinger picture approach, this can be done either by integrating the master equation for the density matrix[1] or by using some state-vector based approach such as the quantum Monte Carlo technique
qubit.zip - QuBit package for matlab. version 3.0. package for quantum information and quantum optics
quantum optics toolbox for MATLAB.rar - matlab 中quantum optics 的帮助文档
code.rar - Photovoltaics are one of the essentials for future energy requirements for sure but in the present time bulky silicon based cells are also asking to be replaced with some new technologies. Organic solar cells are one of the answers. We need to model these devices accurately so that we may precisely understand the obstacles in development of these cells. Same attempt is being done in this thesis. After observing various aspects of organic solar cell modelling some glitches are being tried to remove and based on the same model the behaviour of some new materials have been predicted.
bragg_filter.rar - 周期性光子晶体中布拉格光栅型F-P腔,带缺陷,的光子晶体反射率。
pcf1.zip - 光子晶体光纤的数值模拟,用matlab计算光子晶体光纤的模场分布、色散等参数
