
注册日期:2009-12-25 22:07:08

mklogo.rar - bmp2mpg converter, can be used for creating logo of vcd player. read README.txt first (indonesian only).,2010-07-09 06:16:57,下载8次
2weep_sch.rar - schematic of my 2weep tool (I2C eepromer), read/write 24Cxx eeproms, 2 socket (master & target) + 1 eksternal bus. autodetect read/write direction. 89C2051 cpu core.,2010-06-21 04:55:50,下载5次
mdlFunction.rar - user defined functions wich not supplied in VB like conversion, keys filtering and other generic functions.,2010-04-17 01:24:02,下载3次
mtk_fw_update.rar - MT1389L upgrade firmware for various optical pickups. Burn to CD and get ready to upgrade firmware,2010-04-06 04:09:33,下载26次
PLL2007.rar - FM PLL transmitter, based on Sanyo LM7001 pll ic. using 89C2051 micom. complete with sourcode and PCB layout (in protel format).,2009-12-31 05:16:36,下载57次
ElgamalEncryption.rar - Elgamal encryption project, created with visual basic 6. Support text files input and output. Generate automatic public and private key.,2009-12-27 21:33:35,下载20次
mdlHash.rar - Visual basic module for generating hash value based on custom hex values.,2009-12-27 21:11:54,下载2次
AMS_speaker_box_designer.rar - The simple Windows application for designing speaker box. Small speaker became a big ones.,2009-12-25 22:11:36,下载4次

RealTek-RTD-2482D-for-46inch-10bit-panel.rar - RealTek RTD2482D for 46inch 10bit panel
8032_89J_8P8.rar - MTK 1389J源代码 MTK 1389J 8M FALSH 64MBIT SDRAM 8032 SOURCE CODE
