
注册日期:2010-01-18 00:32:36

id3.zip - For now, we are not interested in what this graph represents. Rather, we would like to "save" the classification results from which the graph is generated. In the new window, we click on the "Save" button and save the result as the file: "bank-predicted.arff", ,2010-01-18 01:12:01,下载6次
demo.zip - convert text in the database into array,2010-01-18 01:11:10,下载2次
code.zip - First, right-click the most recent result set in the left "Result list" panel. In the resulting pop-up window select the menu item "Visualize classifier errors". This brings up a separate window containing a two-dimensional graph. ,2010-01-18 01:09:47,下载4次
ac2.zip - f course, in this example we are interested in knowing how our model managed to classify the new instances. To do so we need to create a file containing all the new instances along with their predicted class value resulting from the application of the model. ,2010-01-18 01:08:08,下载2次
GaussianProcesses.java.zip - covert text to array,2010-01-18 01:05:42,下载2次

