
注册日期:2010-01-19 10:19:51

C221Electromagnetics-RF.rar - This hands-on introduction to computational electromagnetics (CEM) links theoretical coverage of the three key methods - the FDTD, MoM and FEM - to open source MATLAB codes (freely available online) in 1D, 2D and 3D, together with many practical hints and tips gleaned the author s 25 years of experience in the field. Updated and extensively revised, this second edition includes a new chapter on 1D FEM analysis, and extended 3D treatments of the FDTD, MoM and FEM, with entirely new 3D MATLAB codes. Coverage of higher-order finite elements in 1D, 2D and 3D is also provided, with supporting code, in addition to a detailed 1D example of the FDTD a FEM perspective. With running examples through the book and end-of-chapter problems to aid understanding, this is ideal for professional engineers and senior undergraduate/graduate students who need to master CEM and avoid common pitfalls in writing code and using existing software.,2015-02-03 07:25:42,下载6次 - 控制接口协议规约 for iRobot roomba or icreator : iRobot公司Roomba_500_Open_Interface_Spec,2013-01-05 11:58:58,下载8次
new-DV-Hop-code.rar - 改进DV-Hop定位算法 首先设置初始量,布置了一个范围为100×100m2的区域,其上随机分布100个传感器节点,其中有10个信标节点,节点的通信半径为30m。 第二步在正方形区域内产生均匀分布的随机拓扑,随机产生节点坐标并将其中十个选定为信标节点,其余九十个设为未知节点,然后画出节点分布图。 第三步通过最短路径法计算未知节点与每个信标节点的最小跳数。 第四步根据前面记录的其他信标节点的位置信息和相距跳数估算平均每跳的实际距离,用跳数估计距离的方法得出未知节点到信标节点的距离。 第五步用极大似然估计法求未知节点坐标 ,2012-06-08 21:59:50,下载621次
Rayleigh_Jakes.rar - 使用Jakes方法产生单径Rayleigh衰落信道 输入多普勒频移, 样值之间的时间间隔以及 输出瑞利样值序列的长度,最后计算 输出Ns长的瑞利样值序列,加入多普勒频移,2012-04-11 17:29:43,下载22次
04channel-model.rar - IEEE 802.15 标准--标准定稿版信道模型文档,主要为SV channel model ,包括了多种模式情景下模型。,2012-04-08 09:22:38,下载10次
slw110.rar - 用于计算3G基站峰均比压缩引擎的抵消脉冲;并附有阈值计算的Matlab代码。,2011-07-19 11:01:13,下载7次
SLMCR.rar - SLMCR 网络 实现一个圆柱体的平衡; 采用C语言写的算法Demo 代码,2010-01-19 11:54:56,下载2次

