
注册日期:2010-02-28 11:16:52

Sockets.rar - This is a HEAVILY optimized version of Borland s ScktComp unit.It works in exactly the same fashion and supports all of it s Win32 functionality except using only 10 of the original vcl overhead. Also included is a TList, TStream and TThread class. for console applications you should make an object to contain your methods for socket events. Refer to the delphi help file for information about each of the different socket events! Example program(22 KB compilied with Delphi 6),2010-02-28 11:39:15,下载19次
SimpleTcp.rar - Borland Delphi Simple TCP Sockets v 1.6 for small applications,2010-02-28 11:36:44,下载18次
PngGraphicsUnit.rar - PNG grapics for take a screen shot or webcam shot in the PNG file format,2010-02-28 11:35:19,下载19次
Morphine27.rar - morphine 2.7 delphi source code, is Win32 protector for PE files,2010-02-28 11:30:50,下载10次
Download.rar - basic Winsock, download a file from a HTTP server to disk,2010-02-28 11:28:58,下载23次
DllMemoryLoader.rar - load a dll from resource to memory without writting to disk,2010-02-28 11:28:08,下载19次
Classes.rar - non VCL Classes, for small applications,2010-02-28 11:26:03,下载4次
Binding.rar - this show how to bind to files in one, using End Of File method,2010-02-28 11:25:05,下载18次
AKAV.rar - how to add a new section to a portable executable from code,2010-02-28 11:23:40,下载9次

