
注册日期:2010-03-02 19:07:54

mppt_tommatech.zip - tommatech 60A mppt charger documents,2018-12-16 06:19:50,下载3次
stm8l_ssd1306_oled.zip - SSD1306 Monochrome 0.96 128x64 OLED Display Source code stm8l Discovery kit ,2016-05-11 18:13:43,下载9次
6100_18f452_ds1302.rar - ccs c 6100 driver with 18f452 ,2013-04-04 00:21:04,下载4次
Dsp_for_matlab.rar - dsp for matlap e-book,2010-04-30 05:58:41,下载1次
computer_controler_stepper_motor.rar - computer interface with stepper motor controller with proteus simulation and ccs c source code and hex file,2010-04-30 05:52:15,下载16次
digitaloscilloscope_example_with_16f877.rar - digital oscilloscope project with pic and proteus simulation,2010-04-30 05:47:38,下载20次
TheBusyCodersGuidetoAndroidDevelopment.rar - The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development new popular google operating systems ,2010-04-30 05:40:06,下载6次
rs232communicationwitpic.rar - This Program is Written delphi 7 rs232 communication port with microchip microconroller family rs232 communitiy and 8-bit integer value is pc to pic controller ,2010-04-30 05:28:01,下载11次

a2dp_sink.zip - A2DP sink for CSR 867X in ADK 4.0.
BlueLab-4.1-Release.zip - this is the development environment for csr (Cambridge Silicon Radio) bluetooth chips. bluelab version 4.1
CSR8645.rar - BT csr8645 datasheet
IAR.Embedded.Workbench.for.MCS-51.8051.EW8051.v6. - Complete IAR.Embedded.Workbench.for.MCS-51.8051 with C language
BK3254.zip - Complete documents about Bluetooth sensor
ZHUHAI-JIELI-MP3-BSP-SDK.zip - 珠海杰里3系列带录音功能的开发包 C代码 pdf文档
AC690N.rar - 全系列AC69 芯片资料——开发嵌入世——蓝牙IIs接口可以用
Manual_AC4601.zip - ac4601 datasheet Jieli
BC5developmentsourcecode.zip - 与CSR BC5 DEV-PC-1645开发板同等功能的开发板附的源代码,可以实现立体声耳机,音频适配器等功能。
xIDE.rar - CSR公司的藍牙開發工具,,最新版本3.6,C語言。
