
注册日期:2010-03-15 22:59:08

bootloader.zip - * Description : This Program allows an AVR with bootloader capabilities to * Read/write its own Flash/EEprom. To enter Programming mode * an input pin is checked. If this pin is pulled low, programming mode * is entered. If not, normal execution is done from $0000 * "reset" vector in Application area.,2010-07-07 17:30:53,下载13次
convert_bmp2pcb.rar - Bitmap to Protel PCB converter This program is freely distributable. Source code is included, use and abuse as needed. Written in Borland C++ Builder 3.0 Credit on modified versions appreciated. Paul D. Fincato fincato@infinet.com ,2010-07-07 17:24:12,下载7次
rfid_reader_examples.zip - The code demonstrates using interrupts to read data sent by EM4095 chip. Clock is read using interupt on pin RB1 and data is read using interupt pin RB0 Upon correct identification of the card, results are displayed via USART. * Test configuration MCU P18F4520 Dev.Board EasyPIC5 Oscillator HS-PLL, 32.0000 MHz Ext. Modules mE RFid Reader Board SW mikroC v8.1,2010-07-07 16:56:14,下载34次
boot_cloner_src_plus_schematic.zip - What is it? The ATmega8 fuse bytes and bootloader are copied * from the chip on the Arduino, to a new blank ATmega8. * Then it doesn t require a computer or separate ISP hardware.,2010-07-07 16:52:17,下载5次
ef150.zip - an rfid reader that consist schematic and code for an a25khz rfid reader with attiny2313 ,2010-07-07 16:41:21,下载9次

HC-SR04.rar - 超声波模块HC-SR04显示程序带掉电储存;带高低报警值设定,测量距离3厘米到5米精度1理米
Distanc0e-Meter-by-UltraSonic-Senso.rar - in this project i use a altrasonic for mesure distance with avr
acs.rar - ultrasonic distance meter for distance
ceju.rar - 超声波测距电路图。至于为什么接收不用晶体管做放大电路呢,因为放大倍数搞不好,CX20106集成放大电路,还带自动电平增益控制,放大倍数为76dB,中心频率是38k到40k,刚好是超声波传感器的谐振频率,感觉很合适。
chaoshenbo.rar - 此程序为超声波测距程序,硬件是AT89S52单片机,包括发射电路和接收电路。
CarParkingSensorBasedOnSingleChipSystemDesign.rar - 本设计是基于单片机的汽车倒车雷达系统,主要是利用超声波的特点和优势,将超声波测距系统和AT89C51单片机结合于一体,设计出一种基于AT89C51单片机的倒车防撞系统。
stk500.rar - 基于MEGA8单片机的AVR单片机STK500编程器源代码(GCC编译器),改软件完全实现ATMEL STK500协议
