
注册日期:2010-03-22 21:03:36

上传列表 - Sharing a database between a group of users. Database acts as a server, to distribute the data based on the Client request. Group of people can update the database through net. ,2010-03-22 22:06:48,下载3次 - In this project we predict the outcome of the sports in advance with the help of artificial intelligence. The model used is from of multi-layer perceptron and it’s presented with number of features which attempt to capture the quality of various sporting teams. In our system performs well and compares favorably with human tipsters in several environments. The data used in this work was taken from several different sources and covers four major league sports.,2010-03-22 21:57:00,下载20次 - In this project, we present a complete framework and findings in mining web usage patterns from Web log files of a real website that has all the challenging aspects of real life web usage mining, including evolving user profiles and external data describing ontology of the web content. Even though the website under study is part of a non-profit organization that does not "sell" any products, it was crucial to understand "who" the users were, "what" they looked at, and "how their interests changed with time", all of which are important questions in Customer Relationship Management (CRM).,2010-03-22 21:52:10,下载215次 - Point of sale system in Pharmacy is a Management Information System (MIS). MIS will help in many ways for any concern y means of planning designing the system and make decision for the improvement of concern. MIS data’s are normally stored in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) which maintain the integrity of the records. By means of MIS reports we can analysis the stored events which are mainly used to develop the concern in positive aspect, cost cutting, resource planning and predict the forecast ,2010-03-22 21:39:30,下载10次 - This project is used to categorize the text and it will be stored on the particular category depending upon the title and description of the posted content.,2010-03-22 21:30:58,下载2次 - In this project we predict the outcome of the sports in advance with the help of artificial intelligence. The model used is from of multi-layer perceptron and it’s presented with number of features which attempt to capture the quality of various sporting teams. In our system performs well and compares favorably with human tipsters in several environments. The data used in this work was taken from several different sources and covers four major league sports.,2010-03-22 21:23:10,下载4次

