
注册日期:2010-03-28 13:17:36

python_forUnix.zip - Python is an ideal language for solving problems, especially in Linux and Unix networks. With this pragmatic book, administrators can review various tasks that often occur in the management of these systems, and learn how Python can provide a more efficient and less painful way to handle them.,2010-03-28 14:23:24,下载4次
hadoop.zip - Hadoop: The Definitive Guide,2010-03-28 14:17:48,下载9次
cplusplus.zip - As promised in the first edition of this book, C++ has been evolving to meet the needs of its users. This evolution has been guided by the experience of users of widely varying backgrounds working in a great range of application areas. The C++ usercommunity has grown a hundredfold during the six years since the first edition of this book many lessons have been learned, and many techniques have been discovered and/or validated by experience. Some of these experiences are reflected here. The primary aim of the language extensions made in the last six years has been to enhance C++ as a language for data abstraction and objectoriented programming in general and to enhance it as a tool for writing highquality libraries of userdefined types in particular. ,2010-03-28 13:43:20,下载2次
lex_yacc.pdf.zip - A compiler or interptreter for a programminning language is often decomposed into two parts: Read the source program and discover its structure. Process this structure, e.g. to generate the target program. Lex and Yacc can generate program fragments that solve the first task. The task of discovering the source structure again is decomposed into subtasks: Split the source file into tokens (Lex). Find the hierarchical structure of the program (Yacc).,2010-03-28 13:37:42,下载7次

