
注册日期:2010-04-08 02:33:06

PyxisStudioSetup.zip - PyxisStudioSetup: Development tools for Pyxis Platform,2010-06-26 14:20:52,下载4次
PyxisOSLite.zip - src of Lite version of Pyxis OS,2010-06-26 14:12:37,下载4次
PyxisOS.zip - src of Pyxis OS developed on arduino based boards. good for beginners.,2010-06-26 13:51:54,下载11次
PyxisLCD.zip - Code to describe working with Pyxis LCD on arduino based boards,2010-06-26 13:46:08,下载11次
sketchupwithcolorsparallel.zip - Sketchup to dfx file converter in Rubi Script (RubyAPI plugin) for Google SketchUp 5, 6 and 7 version,2010-05-11 19:40:07,下载5次
skp_to_dxf.zip - Sketchup to dfx file converter in Rubi Script (RubyAPI plugin) for Google SketchUp 5, 6 and 7 versions,2010-05-11 19:34:34,下载8次
framtest.zip - This code is written for a PIC16F876 operating on 3.3volts,2010-05-11 19:16:56,下载2次
mmc_demo.zip - Program: MMC3V.BAS written using PicBasicPro ver 2.40 PicBasic Pro program to interface with a Sandisk MMC module using the SPI protocol. ,2010-05-11 19:13:38,下载8次
LCDDisplayDriver.zip - I used the Olimex SAM7-EX256 evaluation board as the execution platform. This is an ARM7 board with many peripherals that is an excellent way to learn about the ARM architecture at a reasonable price ($120 from Sparkfun). I also used the YAGARTO/Eclipse platform as the cross-development system which is explained in great detail in my tutorial “Using Open Source Tools for AT91SAM7 Cross Development,2010-05-11 19:06:29,下载13次
microtouch1v2.zip - New in 1v2 Updated with the actual files to support the internet demo -) Support for SSD1297 LCDs. These are found in a number of touch LCD players, including the first version of the Sylvania player. They are marked "SSD1297". Define SSD1297 in LCD.cpp or the Makefile. IMPORTANT: The SSD1297 LCDs have pin 11 and 21 connected to GND. The 1v1 PCB has these NC pins connected to VCC. IF YOU USE A SSD1297 COVER THESE PADs WITH KAPTON OR NON CONDUCTIVE TAPE OR BLUE SMOKE WILL WAFT OUR OF THE DEVICE. MMC fix for over-optimized code that failed on many manufacturers cards. Suport for USB Hid and C# application for experimentation. A quick and dirty hack using Christian Starkjohann s great USB code. The RossumUtil app exercises the connection, allows you to connect to the device, draw rectangles, blink leds etc. Enable with USE_HID define in Microterm.cpp.,2010-05-11 19:00:38,下载11次
phill12pt.zip - This paper describes a bottom up approach to teaching a Computer Organization course centered on the logic gate-based design of a simple central processing unit (CPU). The CPU is built and simulated using freeware MultiMedia Logic software. Students learn to program the CPU using assembly language that they hand assemble into machine code.,2010-05-11 18:47:44,下载4次

