
注册日期:2010-04-09 22:05:08

fastavr.zip - FASTAVR is a Basic Compiler like Bascom AVR,2010-10-01 21:57:01,下载9次
JRL2000F.rar - Manual and Schematic of the JRC JRL2000F HF Power Amplifier as PDF,2010-04-15 22:11:28,下载5次
quaddecoder_verilog_ise11.2_used_09042010.rar - Two simple Quadrature decoder and Counter build in a XILINX XC9536 CPLD. This Core is coded in Verilog and contains the compete Project file and the fitted quad.jed File. The Pinout is descripted in the Constrained file quad.ucf. To use them, you need teh XC9536 and a clock source that s 4 times faster than the fastes signal that the incremental encoder can creates. IThe clock source frequency is uncritical. For manuel rotated incremental encoder like radio VFO oder other tuning knob, a simple TTL oscillator with about 1Mhz (i use 1.8432Mhz and tested 32768Khz) works brilliant. For very fast decoding, this core is not good enought because there are no Filter FlipFlops are programmed to suppress noises on the Channel A/B Lines. ,2010-04-10 05:59:08,下载28次
ETH_M32_EX_SOFT.zip - The TCP/Ip Software stack for teh embedded Webserver ,2010-04-09 22:25:03,下载8次
Webserver.rar - A simple small Webserver application based on AVR ATMEGA16 an ENC28J60 Ethernet chip. This are the PCB of the projekt, created with the free edition of EAGLE 5.5 by a friend,2010-04-09 22:22:27,下载88次
261107.zip - This Firmware demosntrate how Incremental Encoder, HD44780U LCD end EEPROM accessing works under BASCOM AVR basic. The Project is just a remote controller for HAM radio antenna matching network device. ,2010-04-09 22:17:28,下载11次
CKBC.rar - Access EEPROM on AVR Contoller in WINAVR Environment. This examples was tested on STK500,2010-04-09 22:14:12,下载7次
TWI_test.zip - Two Incremental encoder on a PCF8574A for IIC Bus connectivity tested with STK500 AVR Kit. ,2010-04-09 22:11:15,下载8次

Src.rar - usb config for stm32f746
Src.rar - FatFs_uSD_RTOS for stm32f746
ub_stm32f4_usb_cdc.zip - USB CDC settings for STM32F407 - DESCOVERY with examples
