
注册日期:2010-04-12 21:04:32

image_amalgamate.rar - 利用二维小波分析将woman.mat和wbarb.mat两幅图像融合在一起,2010-04-13 20:22:15,下载8次
edge_detection.rar - 通过检测二维小波变换的模极大值点可以确定图像的边缘点,利用小波变换的多尺度性用于图像的边缘检测,2010-04-13 20:06:43,下载113次
image_denoise.rar - 以实例说明如何通过图像的提升小波分解进行图像的去噪,其方法与一般去噪方法相同,都是对小波分解的高频系数进行阈值量化来达到去噪的目的,2010-04-13 19:57:02,下载87次
image_compress.rar - 该程序实例首先对二维图像进行提升小波分解,然后构造传统小波分解结构[c,s],接着使用函数ddencmp()获取信号压缩阈值,再采用函数wdencmp()实现图像压缩,2010-04-13 19:49:04,下载60次
BOM2127_setup.rar - Yet another sniper tool :-) BOM ist a tool to watch and bid on auctions. Many features like mail control, autoconnect/disconnect, integrated ODBC- client, multi-language-support, time sync, item grouping etc. ,2010-04-13 19:30:03,下载7次
smplayer-0.6.9-win32.rar - SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more,2010-04-13 17:58:29,下载12次
owl630.6.zip - The Compartmented Robust Posix C++ Unit Test system. crpcut is a simple to use unit test system for C++, where each test case is run in its own process and own working directory, to ensure that each test case starts from a clean slate. ,2010-04-13 17:22:32,下载4次
crpcut-1.0.3.rar - The Compartmented Robust Posix C++ Unit Test system. crpcut is a simple to use unit test system for C++, where each test case is run in its own process and own working directory, to ensure that each test case starts from a clean slate. ,2010-04-13 17:07:32,下载3次
pdfsam-win32inst-v2_2_0.rar - PDF分解和合并软件,是用于对PDF文件进行分解和合并,图形用户界面提供了选择文件和设置选项等功能,2010-04-13 16:14:14,下载14次

