
注册日期:2010-05-31 19:13:46

HDVCSA.tar.gz.gz - Hardware Decompression for Video Compressive Sensing Applications,2010-11-25 17:35:07,下载30次
VOIP.tar.gz.gz - Voice Over IP Phone - implementation in fpga,2010-11-25 17:27:53,下载15次
RC.tar.gz.gz - Remote Controlled Car,2010-11-25 17:20:40,下载5次
dct.rar - JPEG Compression and Ethernet Communication on an FPGA,2010-11-25 17:18:11,下载34次
POTS.tar.gz.gz - Pivoting Object Tracking System - This project implements an object recognition system, where a camera tracks the position of an object. The camera is mounted on an iRobot Create two-wheeled robot, which rotates according to the control signal generated by our object tracking algorithm. Meanwhile, it displays 320200 color video on a VGA display.We use a simple object recognition algorithm based on color information of the image coming from the camera. In our tests, the system is able track objects of single colors such as white, red, orange or blue if there is sufficient contrast between the object and background.,2010-11-25 17:08:01,下载25次
RVD.tar.gz.gz - Realtime Video Display - Displaying real time video captured from a camera is an essential function in a vari- ety of applications ranging from CCTV se- curity monitoring to webconference meet- ings. In this project, we propose to build a system on a FPGA, in conjunction with a commercial web camera, that can read a stream of video from a camera, decode this stream, and then display it on a local screen.,2010-11-25 17:07:12,下载17次
Nhom5.rar - matlab demo for image compression by wavelet transform,2010-11-25 16:56:36,下载4次
codeFPGA.rar - source code verilog for get image 320x240 rgb form pc and display it on vga monitor,2010-11-25 16:43:36,下载26次
PaintBrush.zip - To use the device port ISP1362 and NIOS II CPU for mouse movement detection and the VGA interface and implement a Paint Brush Application[1] using Cyclone II FPGA on the Altera DE2 board.,2010-11-25 16:37:25,下载27次
DCT_IDCT.rar - verilog code for DCT and IDCT (JPEG),2010-11-25 16:27:23,下载225次
RS232-Communication.zip - RS232 comunication by Matlab GUI,2010-11-25 16:20:40,下载59次

