
注册日期:2010-06-12 19:38:15

1.rar - We present a genetic algorithm which is distributed in two novel ways: along genotype and temporal axes. Our algo- rithm fi rst distributes, for every member of the population, a subset of the genotype to each network node, rather than a subset of the population to each. This genotype distri- bution is shown to off er a signifi cant gain in running time. Then, for effi cient use of the computational resources in the network, our algorithm divides the candidate solutions into pipelined sets and thus the distribution is in the temporal domain, rather that in the spatial domain. This temporal distribution may lead to temporal inconsistency in selection and replacement, however our experiments yield better effi - ciency in terms of the time to convergence without incurring signifi cant penalties.,2010-08-31 11:59:56,下载20次
coding.rar - (1999)Distributed Source coding for satellite communications,2010-06-12 20:10:33,下载8次
sw1.rar - On the Physical Layer Performance Analysis and Optimization in Wireless Cooperative Networks ,2010-06-12 20:02:28,下载5次
ttye.rar - To improve network spect ral efficiency , a network coding2aware met rics for wireless routing expected coding2aware t ransmission count ( ECTX) is proposed. In general , there are two steps in cod2 ing2aware routing communication : one is finding coding opportunity and network2coded node in the routing discovery phase , the other is determining the optimum path f rom the coding2available paths and the coding2unavailable ones. The expected coding2aware t ransmission count fairly quantifies the network coding gain while considering the wireless t ransmission conditions. We implement the ECTX routing in wireless mesh system in C + + and conduct extensive evaluation. Simulation result s illust rate that , compared with the ones which oblivious of coding gains using , the t ransmission efficiency can be sharply increased in the whole network and achieves 5 ~20 throughput gains.,2010-06-12 19:56:42,下载4次
Rando.rar - Random network coding against the eavesdropping adversari,2010-06-12 19:54:28,下载3次
we.rar -  It has been proved that network coding can be used to improve the throughput for multicast t ransmission , but such systems are very vulnerable to contamination at tack , and the signatures for t raditional network are no longer suitable for network coding. Network coding allows the forwarding and receiving nodes to verify the coded messages against the contamina2 tion at tacks. In this paper , we proposed a network coding signature scheme based on homomorphism public cryptography which uses the one time secrete key and it changes along with the change of the messages , so that it is infeasible for adversary to get the secrete key and forge the signature to contaminate the message,2010-06-12 19:49:39,下载4次
qw.rar -  It has been proved that network coding can be used to improve the throughput for multicast t ransmission , but such systems are very vulnerable to contamination at tack , and the signatures for t raditional network are no longer suitable for network coding. Network coding allows the forwarding and receiving nodes to verify the coded messages against the contamina2 tion at tacks. In this paper , we proposed a network coding signature scheme based on homomorphism public cryptography which uses the one time secrete key and it changes along with the change of the messages , so that it is infeasible for adversary to get the secrete key and forge the signature to contaminate the message,2010-06-12 19:47:07,下载2次
Error.rar - tError Con trol Approach of Random L inear Network Coding.A im ing at random linear netwo rk coding, th is paper p ropo ses an er ro r cont ro l method w h ich combines po int2 po int check ing er ro r and end2 end ret ransm ission . By vir tue of the robustness of random linear netwo rk coding, th is method adop ts th ree dimensional par ity check ing code to imp lement po int2 po int check ing er ro r, and let er roneous packets no t take par t in cod2 ing . W hen a sink node can no t decode the info rmat ion com ing f rom source node, it t ransm its feedback info rmat ion to source node to request ret ransm ission . Theo ret ical analysis and simulat ion results show that, by using larger Galo is f ield and larger packet, the p ropo sed method has h igh p robability to elim inate t ransm ission er ro r including global netwo rk coding ver texes er2 ro r, and make sink nodes integrally receive info rmat ion f rom source node at low er ret ransm ission rate .,2010-06-12 19:44:17,下载21次
NCsim.rar - a simple network coding simulator developed by C++.,2010-06-12 19:39:43,下载38次

