
注册日期:2010-06-30 14:22:41

F32x_Ports_SwitchesLEDs.rar - This program demonstrates how to configure the port pins as digital inputs and outputs. The C8051F320 target board has two push-button switches connected to port pins and and two LEDs. The program constantly checks the status of the switches and if they are pushed, it turns on the respective LED.,2010-06-30 14:49:50,下载3次
UART.rar - This program demonstrates how to configure the C8051F020 to write to and read from the UART interface. The program reads a word using the UART1 interrupts and outputs that word to the screen, with all characters in uppercase,2010-06-30 14:42:03,下载8次
Timers.rar - This program presents an example of use of the Timer0 of the C8051F02x s in 8-bit reload timer mode. It uses the F020DK as HW platform and blinks a LED. To do so it used an interrupt driven by the Timer0 which toggles the LED. (using an auxiliary counter inside the interrupt) ,2010-06-30 14:40:47,下载4次
Interrupts.rar - C8051F020单片机中断程序 This software shows the necessary configuration to use External Interrupt 0 (/INT0) or External Interrupt 1 (/INT1) as an interrupt source. The code executes the initialization routines and then spins in an infinite while() loop. If the button P3.7 (on the target board) is pressed, then the edge-triggered /INT0 input on P0.0 will cause an interrupt and toggle the LED.,2010-06-30 14:39:11,下载36次
Timer0_Poll1.rar - 此程序用定时器实现延时计数 This program shows an example of using Timer0 in polled mode to implement a delay counter with a resolution of 1 ms.,2010-06-30 14:33:48,下载4次
UART1_Int1.rar - c8051f020串口实验程序,UART1工作于中断模式,2010-06-30 14:27:31,下载52次

