
注册日期:2010-07-05 20:19:01

vblast_est.rar - The main file in this list of programs is "vblast.m",2011-06-21 23:50:27,下载6次
vblast.rar - The main file in this list of programs is "vblast.m",2011-06-21 23:49:51,下载3次
Q.rar - function form refrence matrixP,2011-06-21 23:49:01,下载3次
CAS_ergodic.rar - multiple input multiple output capacity,2011-06-21 23:45:00,下载4次
capacity_water.rar - multiple input multiple output capacity,2011-06-21 23:44:24,下载3次
capacity_rician.rar - multiple input multiple output capacity,2011-06-21 23:43:51,下载4次
capacity_plot.rar - multiple input multiple output capacity,2011-06-21 23:43:13,下载4次
CH2.rar - multiple input multiple output capacity,2011-06-21 23:42:08,下载3次
ln20.rar - 10.4 Known Channel (Water-Filling Solution),2011-06-21 23:37:18,下载3次
IT-V45-N6.rar - On the Capacity of Some Channels with Channel State Information,2011-06-21 23:35:09,下载3次
capacity.rar - A Tutorial on SISO and MIMO Channel Capacities,2011-06-21 23:30:56,下载7次
Allerton05_02.rar - Capacity of Fading Broadcast Channels with Transmitter Ordering CSI,2011-06-21 23:29:13,下载3次
131083540.rar - Capacity of mimo systems ,2011-06-21 23:25:58,下载2次
CapacityandPerformanceAnalysisofAdvancedMultipleA - Capacity and Performance Analysis of Advanced Multiple Antenna Communication Systems,2010-08-24 19:46:49,下载4次
AnalyticalExpressionfortheMIMOChannelCapacity.rar - Analytical Expression for the MIMO Channel Capacity,2010-08-24 19:41:16,下载10次
OptimizationoftheMIMOCompoundCapacity.rar - Optimization of the MIMO Compound Capacity,2010-08-24 19:36:15,下载8次
6_mimo.rar - Capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in wireless communications,2010-08-24 19:31:04,下载3次
mimo4.rar - This program implements equation (2.26) using the waterfilling algorithm,2010-08-24 19:24:45,下载4次
mimo3.rar - This program illustrates the coding for determining the capacity in the presence of a Rician component,2010-08-24 19:22:04,下载7次
mimo2.rar - mimo capacity plot for different nt*nr,2010-08-24 19:19:02,下载43次
mimo.rar - multi-input-multi-output plot capacity,2010-08-24 19:10:43,下载6次
forney1.rar - On the Design of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes within 0.0045 dB of the Shannon Limit,2010-07-15 03:18:08,下载2次
ofdmforwirelesscommunicationssystems.rar - OFDM for Wireless Communications Systems,2010-07-07 18:18:41,下载4次
OFDMandCDMA.rar - Theory and Applications of OFDM and CDMA Wideband Wireless Communications This book has both theoretical and practical aspects. It is intended to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the concepts of OFDM and CDMA. Thus, the theoretical basics are analyzed and presented in some detail. Both of the concepts are widely applied in practice. Therefore, a considerable part of the book is devoted to system design and implementation aspects and to the presentation of existing communication systems.,2010-07-07 18:05:50,下载4次
TheoryCodeDivisionMultipleAccess.rar - THEORY OF CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS COMMUNICATION The objective of this book is to provide an introduction to code division multipleaccess (CDMA) communications. Our motivation for emphasizing CDMA communication is a result of the technological developments that have occurred during the past decade. We are currently witnessing an explosive growth in wireless communication and cellular mobile radio systems, which are based on different multiple-access techniques. We anticipate that, in the near future, we will see a replacement of the current time- and frequency division methods in wireless communication and mobile radio by CDMA. ,2010-07-07 16:30:55,下载11次
SatelliteCommunication.rar - Satellite Communication Engineering The aim of this book is to present in a simple and concise manner the fundamental principles common to the majority of information communications systems. Mastering the basic principles permits moving on to concrete realizations without great difficulty. Throughout, concepts are developed mostly on an intuitive, physical basis, with further insight provided by means of a combination of applications and performance curves. Problem sets are provided for those seeking additional training. Starred sections containing basic mathematical development may be skipped with no loss of continuity by those seeking only a qualitative understanding. The book is intended for electrical, electronics, and communication engineering students, as well as practicing engineers wishing to familiarize themselves with the broad field of information transmission, particularly satellite communications. ,2010-07-07 16:24:29,下载15次
MultiCarrier1.rar - Multi-Carrier Digital Communications Theory and Applications of OFDM This book is intended to be a concise summary of the present state of the art of the theory and practice of OFDM technology. The authors believe that the time is ripe for such a treatment. Particularly based on one of the author s long experience in development of wireless systems, and the other s in wireline systems, we have attempted to present a unified presentation of OFDM performance and implementation over a wide variety of channels. It is hoped that this will prove valuable both to developers of such systems and to researchers and graduate students involved in analysis of digital communications. ,2010-07-07 16:00:33,下载3次
FundamentalsWireless.rar - Fundamentals of Wireless Communication This book is a web of interlocking concepts. The concepts can be structured roughly into three levels: 1. channel characteristics and modeling 2. communication concepts and techniques 3. application of these concepts in a system context. ,2010-07-07 15:50:22,下载3次
MIMO.rar - MIMO wireless communication When we started thinking about writing this book, we had been working together for more than five years on the borderline between propagation and signal processing. Therefore, it is not surprising that this book deals with propagation models and design tools for MIMO wireless communications.Yet, this book should constitute more than a simple combination of these two domains. It hopefully conveys our integrated understanding of MIMO, which results from endless controversial discussions on various multi-antenna related issues, as well as various interactions with numerous colleagues. Obviously, this area of technology is so large that it was beyond our aim to cover all aspects in details. Rather, our goal has been to provide researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students with a comprehensive coverage of radio propagation models and space杢ime coding techniques.,2010-07-07 05:36:15,下载14次
book.rar - The subject of this book is the detection and correction of errors in digital information. Such errors almost inevitably occur after the transmission, storage or processing of information in digital (mainly binary) form, because of noise and interference in communication channels, or imperfections in storage media, for example. Protecting digital information with a suitable error-control code enables the efficient detection and correction of any errors that may have occurred.,2010-07-07 04:58:11,下载1次
upload_pudn14.rar - Simulation program to realize OFDM transmission system using( proposed slantlt transform instead FFT transform)with pilot channel estimation in a fading channel for (BPSK,QPSK,8PSK and 16PSK) modulation and for two type of error plot BER(Bit error rate) and PER(Packet error rate),2010-07-06 22:49:07,下载42次
upload_pudn6.rar - This program is used to Simulate the performance of (n,k)Reed Solomon code in AWGN channel with plotting the results and compare with the theoretical performance of this code in AWGN channel. The program also print the SNRdB, absolute snr ,simulated probability of error, exact probability of error in each steps ,2010-07-06 18:11:18,下载26次
upload_pudn3.rar - This program simulation is used to simulate the performance of Mary noncoherent FSK modulation (BFSK,4FSK,8FSK and 16FSK) in AWGN channel for SNRdB change from 0 to 12 dB and print the modulation type ,SNRdB and Bit error rate for each steps. finally the program is plot the BER versus SNRdB for four type of noncoherent FSK modulation,2010-07-05 21:56:58,下载54次

