注册日期:2010-07-22 21:15:42

Tests.zip - PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 History 2004-11-29 v0.1 prime version to show pcicfg as bus dev func venid devid class in hex code 2004-12-1 v0.1 added function to show class and subclass string instead of hex code 2004-12-2 v0.2 added pci struct,improve the data struct,make program to has more readablilty ,2010-07-22 21:26:43,下载3次
Assembly.zip - kniga za asembler PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 History 2004-11-29 v0.1 prime version to show pcicfg as bus dev func venid devid class in hex code 2004-12-1 v0.1 added function to show class and subclass string instead of hex code 2004-12-2 v0.2 added pci struct,improve the data struct,make program to has more readablilty ,2010-07-22 21:24:44,下载6次

