
注册日期:2010-09-24 22:24:39

上传列表 - Excellent articles related to digital signal processing, a must have to downloads,2021-01-09 19:45:12,下载0次
871311.rar - good resources for researchers about renewables,2018-04-08 16:22:38,下载1次
786g.rar - good resources for renewables like wind and solar, a must have !,2018-04-08 16:20:26,下载1次
875241.rar - papers good for forecast references!!,2017-11-16 00:50:06,下载1次
3438.rar - papers excellent for forecast of weather,2017-11-16 00:37:47,下载1次
54784.rar - this reference files are good files for the taguchi method, a must have for everyone,2017-04-07 14:52:01,下载1次
7894.rar - this files are references for the taguchi method, good works,2017-04-06 20:09:26,下载2次
98745.rar - this project is related to grid connection for small micro grid, a good reference ,2017-03-29 14:16:06,下载2次
65478.rar - this project is related to wind energy, a good reference for renewable energy project,2017-03-29 14:09:51,下载2次
8947137.rar - some papers related to renewable sources, handy papers,2016-10-16 15:36:53,下载1次
78412.rar - These are good papers for the research related to the renewable energy, must have!,2016-10-16 15:32:50,下载1次
578424.rar - introduction about motor drives and some power electronics, handy reference for everyone,2016-09-29 15:01:10,下载1次
7457.rar - good introduction about FET, IGFET, MOSFET and some converters for power drives,2016-09-29 14:55:30,下载1次
7814978.rar - fpga and test it for your projects, good downloads for everyone,2016-05-27 20:37:55,下载1次
647814.rar - excellent papers for the fpga and works for other projects, a must have,2016-05-27 20:33:25,下载1次
784178.rar - This papers are research related to fpga, good papers to download,2016-05-27 20:21:31,下载2次
09842.rar - swarm IMportanting papers useful for thesis references a must have for everyOne,2016-02-11 01:36:36,下载1次
08532.rar - GOOD Papers related to swarms, useful for scientific applications,2016-02-11 01:34:27,下载1次
84765.rar - IMPORTANT papers that is useful for development with pso, good documents,2016-02-11 01:31:47,下载1次
125439.rar - this papers are important research for the evolution computation must have,2016-02-11 01:29:27,下载1次
1247.rar - IMPORTANT PAPERS for doing research with adaptive pso, must have for everyone!,2015-11-04 00:25:22,下载1次
321231.rar - a technique used to hybrid pso and genetic algorithm for science applications,2015-11-04 00:22:35,下载1次
47874.rar - This papers are good applications of artificial intelligence into different fields in engineering, good downloads,2015-10-29 14:11:36,下载1次
12784.rar - pAPERS for doing research in artificial intelligence and applications, a must have for everyone!,2015-10-28 21:59:12,下载1次
124787.rar - Important papers related to artificial intelligence, a must have for everyone!,2015-10-28 21:55:46,下载2次
785432.rar - papers on wind and energy of solar, good for everyone,2015-09-09 00:06:02,下载1次
112321.rar - This are important papers of renewable energy, a must have!,2015-09-09 00:02:16,下载1次
1247ut.rar - this papers are important study for the fuzzy logic of type 2, a must have for development,2015-07-08 16:30:59,下载4次
78432.rar - this papers are artificial intelligence applied into clean energy solutions like wind and PV, a must have!,2015-06-23 20:53:50,下载1次
1178.rar - This are research documents for the power systems and application to motor control, important research,2015-06-10 17:10:01,下载1次
14787.rar - Important papers in power electronics and power systems, a must have for power engineering research,2015-06-10 16:34:56,下载1次
687688.rar - This are important papers on PSO and its applications, a must have for algorithm researchers!,2015-06-09 11:36:49,下载1次
32311.rar - this are important papers for the mppt, a must have for engineers,2015-06-08 23:09:06,下载1次
35354.rar - These are new techniques for mppt, a must have for everyone,2015-06-08 23:05:38,下载3次
787543.rar - These are important papers to PSo and application to the optimization of power systems, a must have for power system researchers!!,2015-06-05 21:30:51,下载1次
68684.rar - This documents are important in the design of PV model, a must have for working with PV solar systems,2015-06-05 21:21:30,下载1次
89867.rar - Important review papers in 2015 renewable energy, a must read for everybody,2015-06-03 22:22:56,下载1次
23245.rar - These documents are important researches of fuzzy logics especially in renewable energy systems, a must have for students,2015-06-03 22:18:48,下载1次
896352.rar - These papers are very important in the renewable energy especially in renewable energy systems like solar, wind, biomass, etc.,2015-05-20 11:21:52,下载1次
895643.rar - These papers are very good review in renewable energy especially in solar energy, a must have for researchers!,2015-05-17 15:29:37,下载3次
Matlab-Tutorial.rar - This are tutorials in matlab and simulink, a must have for learners in beginners in matlab,2015-05-13 23:05:03,下载1次
fuzzy-tutor.rar - This files are important tutorial for those people who wants to learn fuzzy logic and applications. A must have for researchers and engineers,2015-05-13 22:40:52,下载1次
Motor-Drives.rar - this are useful papers for the power electronics and motor drives, a must have for engineers working with motor control systems,2015-05-13 01:41:18,下载1次
Power-Systems.rar - This are important papers on power systems, a must have for electrical engineers and researchers doing research in power systems,2015-05-13 01:38:49,下载1次
solar-ener.rar - a good reference for solar energy, a must have for renewable energy researchers!!,2015-05-05 23:37:30,下载3次
mppt.rar - a complete copy of mppt pdf articles, one must have this if you are working with renewable energy,2015-05-04 19:16:51,下载1次
mppt-pdf.rar - excellent reference papers for mppt, you should have a copy of this one if you are working with renewable energy, a must have!,2015-05-04 18:40:21,下载1次
fuzzy-pso.rar - another papers on the fuzzy logic for pso, this papers provides excellent discussions on the algorithms, you must have a copy of this one,2015-04-30 11:26:12,下载4次
FL-PSO-Papers.rar - FUZZY logic tuning by the pso, a reference for researchers in artificial intelligence, a must have papers for students in control systems,2015-04-30 11:04:26,下载6次
IEEE.rar - papers related to solar energy mppt, a must have for researchers applying the artificial intelligence,2015-04-29 20:49:50,下载2次
SWARM-books.rar - a complete ebook for artificial intelligence and computational intelligence, guides for algorithm development, a must have copy of ebook for programmers and researchers,2015-04-28 21:15:30,下载1次
pso-tollbox.rar - PSO toolbox for matlab, a must have for algorithm development!!,2015-04-28 21:11:41,下载2次
Body-Sensor-Networks.rar - great reference for body sensor networks!!,2015-04-24 13:12:59,下载1次
OSp.rar - good PSO referense pdf file,2015-04-14 12:24:52,下载1次
renable.rar - study is good in the energy renewables systens,2015-04-14 12:10:43,下载2次
Transactions-Industrial-Electronics.rar - IEEE papers for wind energy,2014-09-10 20:06:59,下载2次
journ.rar - excellent research journals! - a must have these papers!!,2013-07-20 12:56:12,下载3次
journ2.rar - a must have document.. good for research! ,2013-07-20 12:38:38,下载1次
mefile.rar - Research Journal Papers - good references,2013-07-15 09:00:32,下载2次
50-Ways-to-Increase-Productivity.rar - This is all about productivity of a programmer, it is a good source on how to be a productive on the workplace, a MUST have for all!!!,2012-10-25 12:49:12,下载3次
The-Productivity-Guide---Neagu.rar - This document is all about productivity, it is a guide for the programmers on how to be productive in their workplace,2012-10-25 12:47:13,下载2次 - books and articles related to thermodynamics.. a good read for everyone!!,2011-09-10 15:10:53,下载2次 - a must have research for doing water pollution research.. good for thesis, and highly recommended for Ph.D !!,2011-09-10 15:07:06,下载4次 - papers related to wireless network.. hope can help for your thesis.. a must have! ,2011-09-10 15:00:50,下载3次 - game theory related to network design.. highly recommended for doing thesis in computer science!! good document, a must have!,2011-09-10 14:57:13,下载7次 - research on concrete engineering.. useful for taking thesis related to civil engineering.. highly recommended!!!,2011-09-10 14:53:15,下载6次 - plastic concrete useful for research related to structure engineering simulation.. good for MS civil engineering,2011-09-10 14:46:39,下载2次
Investigation_of_High-Frequency_Power_Conversion_ - high frequency power conversion and generation techniques,2011-03-31 16:19:40,下载2次
Uninterrupted_Power_Supply-Synchronous_MotorGener - UPS for synchronous motor generator three phase.. good for reading.. PDF file,2011-03-31 16:15:32,下载3次
Design_of_Electric_Interconnecting_Cables_and_Con - relaiable interconnection system for space vehcles in pdf -- Good for research in aero space,2011-03-31 16:07:34,下载1次
Tactical_Missile-Gse_Design_Interfaces-mez.rar - this paper discusses design interface in the missile and ground support equipment,2011-03-31 15:59:50,下载3次
Solar_Cell_Power_Systems_for_Space_Stations-9e2.r - reports on space station power and optimized cell power system and power conditioning system,2011-03-31 15:56:02,下载1次
65432345.rar - Applied Software Measurements by Jones, this is a very good textbook for software engineering,2010-09-26 09:45:10,下载3次
Pi.rar - PI Assembly Program - which is use for the program development ,2010-09-26 08:08:32,下载4次
Python25.rar - Sample Python Program (if-then),2010-09-24 22:29:18,下载4次

ANN_Forecast.rar - Wind Speed Forecast using Artificial Neural Network
kalman-filter.rar - 介绍了Kalman滤波器是一种线性的离散时间有限维系统,对kalman滤波算法公式进行了详细的推导
EKFslamppt.rar - 一个详细讲述卡尔曼滤波的ppt,通过它可以学习有关卡尔曼滤博,和机器人自主定位的知识 - 详细的介绍了卡尔曼滤波算法的相关知识及其在多传感器数据融合中的应用
kalmanintroduction.rar - A good presentation on Kalman Filter
kalmanfilterandrls.rar - these document are about kalman filter and RLS algorithm
zishiyingPPT.rar - 一个讲解关于自适应滤波的PPT ,其中包括LMS,RLD,和卡尔曼滤波的原理及应用环境。
