
注册日期:2010-09-29 13:50:43

k-medoids.rar - Code with matlab of kmedoids clustering....,2016-06-16 14:40:58,下载9次
sift-vs-surf.rar - Comparison between SIFT and SURF features ,2016-06-16 14:37:40,下载3次 - A New Differentially Private Data Aggregation With Fault Tolerance for Smart Grid Communications,2015-12-04 13:35:40,下载5次
pwm.rar - PWM, is a technique for getting analog results with digital means. Digital control is used to create a square wave, a signal switched between on and off.,2015-03-11 21:03:36,下载2次 - Implements the 1st and 2nd order Gaussian derivative steerable filter in matlab.The oriented first order derivative can be obtained by taking the dot product of a unit vector oriented in a specific direction with the gradient. The basis filters are the partial derivatives of a 2D Gaussian with respect to x and y,2014-12-05 13:56:40,下载27次
-Bi-Histogram-Equalization.rar - BEASF Algorithm is implemented by Image enhancement using Bi-Histogram Equalization with adaptive sigmoid .,2014-08-13 14:25:57,下载19次
img_performance.rar - The objective is to measure the differences between two images, and measurement of image quality. ,2014-08-13 14:00:29,下载7次
find-mobile-user.rar - To find a triangulation of minimal total edge length. That is, an input polygon or the convex hull of an input point set must be subdivided into triangles that meet edge-to-edge and vertex-to-vertex, in such a way as to minimize the sum of the perimeters of the triangles. ,2014-08-13 13:54:45,下载8次
img-key-point-detection.rar - This program finds the key points and their descriptors of two images and matches and Output of this program will give you the matching percentage of key points,2014-08-13 13:49:50,下载1次 - Two step equalization using matlab,2014-04-04 18:18:03,下载3次
A-joint-time-invariant-filtering-approach-to-the- - A joint time-invariant filtering approach to the linear Gaussian relay problem,2014-03-21 19:25:27,下载2次
JPEG_Encoding.rar - To Encode the image data and compressed with important data of image ,2013-12-24 18:20:27,下载2次
Hybrid-Electric-Vehicle-Control-Strategy.rar - Defining an operation strategy for a Split Parallel Architecture (SPA) Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is accomplished through calculating powertrain component losses.,2013-12-24 18:16:07,下载55次
MIMO-OFDMA.rar - OFDMA for multi input and multi output,2013-10-08 13:33:31,下载17次
Slow-Feature-Analysis.rar - Slow feature analysis using matlab,2013-09-27 18:00:06,下载20次
Exposing-Digital-Image-Forgerie.rar - Exposing digital forgeries for face images,2013-09-27 17:55:30,下载19次
surgery.rar - Surgery datasets for image processing,2013-08-31 14:25:56,下载1次
dawak80.rar - Periodic pattern mining is the problem that regards tempo- ral regularity. There are many emerging applications in periodic pattern mining, including web usage recommendation, weather prediction, com- puter networks and biological data. In this paper, we propose a Pro- gressive Timelist-Based Veri cation (PTV) method to the mining of pe- riodic patterns from a sequence of event sets. The parameter min rep, is employed to specify the minimum number of repetitions required for a valid segment of non-disrupted pattern occurrences. We also describe a partitioning approach to handle extra large/long data sequence. The experiments demonstrate good performance and scalability with large frequent patterns.,2013-04-27 22:26:25,下载5次
New-Folder.rar - its a code for new k means process and its valid index calculatio methods,2013-03-27 19:03:09,下载2次
test-low.rar - image Data set for image processing process like denoising....,2013-02-25 18:07:30,下载3次
Dataset.rar - Video action dataset,2012-12-29 17:34:14,下载11次
Mex.rar - Mex file for the matlab users,2012-02-29 21:07:52,下载6次
Hackers-EBook.rar - Hacking guide for all,2012-02-29 21:06:26,下载7次
Source.rar - Matlab program for image verification,2012-02-29 21:03:16,下载2次
Downloads.rar - Image segmentation im matlab implemeted with dataset,2011-09-02 18:49:54,下载5次
Ridgelet.rar - Ridgelet transform and curvelet transform,2011-09-02 18:42:12,下载63次
Class.rar - Its all belongs to the beginners who loves to do projects or research in matlab,2011-08-12 20:51:57,下载3次
ColorImageSegmentation.rar - color Image segmentation,2011-07-21 20:29:36,下载7次
Essentials.rar - collection of algorithms,2011-03-08 13:28:16,下载1次
Documents.rar - Algorithms for various codes in matlab,2011-01-20 12:46:30,下载2次
RSA1.rar - RSA algorithm is uploaded by moorthi.,2010-09-29 13:52:44,下载1次

PAPR-in-OFDM.rar - 基于语音保留的剪裁引导噪声和复杂的基带活性集的性能分析,降低OFDM系统中的平均峰均功率比。 - 在OFDM的基础上做DFT扩展,生成SC-FDMA符号 程序简单适合初学者学习
