
注册日期:2010-11-22 07:39:06

healthcare.rar - ONLINE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM The project titled ONLINE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM” is designed using Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as the front end and SQL SERVER 2003 as the back end which is developed under Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project contains following modules: The Admin module contains admin login, admin main form. In admin main form consist of doctor entry, suggestion entry, view symptoms (new), view suggestions (all), view symptoms (all), view doctor (all) and new admin registration form. The Patient module contains patient login, patient registration form and patient admin form. In patient admin form consist of symptoms entry, view suggestions, view symptoms, view doctor form. The insurance link module consists of medical insurance links, healthcare insurance links and visit to top medical insurance links. Finally, contact us module is static which gives the details of the healthcare center. ,2013-03-25 17:04:06,下载9次
messageTransfer.rar - A General Framework for Service Availability for Bandwidth-Efficient Connection-Oriented Networks Availability in connection-oriented service in networks has traditionally been “all-or-nothing,” i.e., when a failure occurs, a connection either is unprotected or fully protected. The differences in availability and cost between these two extremes can be quite high. A general framework for service availability will be presented that fills the gap. It is shown how network resources and cost are related to service parameters of the framework for networks that are bandwidth-efficient. In addition, a simple revenue model is presented and characterized, revealing when nontraditional service agreements may be attractive.,2013-03-25 16:56:32,下载1次
Opnet_.rar - OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition software ,2012-02-12 01:52:34,下载7次
Multiple-Routing-Configurations-for-FastBase-Pape - Multiple Routing Configurations for FastBase Paper,2012-02-12 01:34:27,下载2次
Two-phased-balanace-routing.rar - Routing, optimization, linear programming, load balancing, implementation,2012-02-12 01:33:03,下载4次
full-bank.zip - Bank recognition using video streaming in matlab , ,2011-07-22 12:18:12,下载15次

