
注册日期:2011-01-06 20:54:11

fourier_descriptor.zip - Fourier descriptor example on different shapes.Can reconstruct shape with few coeffecients,2014-03-08 21:59:02,下载18次
Survillance-system-using-motion-detection.zip - Real time intrusion detection.It needs webcam to connect and Matlab 2010 with image acquisition toolbox.,2014-03-08 21:50:07,下载15次
GaitDatabase.zip - Gait recognition database of 10 persons.Good for research and analysis,2014-03-08 21:43:56,下载22次
ROCCurve.zip - ROC curve related parameters for recogntion accuracy.Test vectors are embedded inside zip file,2014-03-08 21:38:12,下载5次
FingerPrintClassifier.zip - Gabor filter based finger print classifier. I have given four real time finger images captured of my friends.Accuracy is 80-90 .Developed in C. Can classify the finger to class 1,class 2.For more reference what is classification pls refer to biometric fingerprint recognition ,2012-01-13 12:31:55,下载19次
VGAHawk.zip - Hawkboard has /dev/fb0 is frame buffer device .That is we can output the certain data on vga port of hawkboad. The given code uses OpenCV library and frame buffer device programming.One needs cross compiled libraries of opencv which i have uploaded.Just cross compile the code using these libraries and run binary on hawkboard.The edge detected lena image (256x256 )is displayed on monitor connected to board.,2011-01-08 17:24:56,下载7次
parallel_port_on_linux.zip - Parallel port can be used to send the data and as various control actions to be taken for external event control.The default address for parallel port is 0x378. The code is compiled under linux and found to work ok.In outb file simply pass the value to be outputed to parallel port .If value passed is 0xff that will make all out pins to high.,2011-01-08 17:05:48,下载10次
Wavread.zip - Wav file is the basic file or raw file which stores the audio data.Wav header contains important information such as sampling rate Monotype or sereo ,bytes per sample.The code reads header and buffer which can be processed the way we want.No additional include file or library files are required.The code is comipled under linux and results were found tobe ok.,2011-01-08 16:52:30,下载7次
cod2.zip - This document contains total description of g.729 speech cdec.One can implement various methods to implement it such as vector quanization,Linear predictive coding and all. It is found to be perfect for developing methodology to be used.,2011-01-08 16:46:40,下载3次
cod1.zip - This uses OSS ioctls for audio recording and playback. The code is fully tested on iMX 21 and omap l138(hawkboard). One need to cross compile the givel code and run the binary on board,2011-01-08 16:13:57,下载7次

