
注册日期:2011-01-11 01:20:20

servicetag.rar - Application development software,2018-03-20 19:00:27,下载1次
simulink.rar - Simulink file is contains the basic library files of the simulink tools with example demo. This blocks are very useful to do the valuable simulink file and also get the results.,2012-10-06 18:29:52,下载4次
dspwavelet.rar - DSp wavelet program was devoped by the Matlab and given to this site for ur reference. This file is ,ost importrant one incase of wavelet file.,2012-10-06 18:27:57,下载5次
dspsdadc_fixpt.rar - DSP Fixed point algorithms is used in this wwork. This work is very narrow and same time committement will be solved with new algorithms technique of econmic dispatch.,2012-10-06 18:26:32,下载12次
dspg711muamu_mic_audio.rar - Such an intense field is enough to pull the electrons out of the valence band of the stable atoms. Such a creation of free electrons is called zener effect. These minority carriers constitute very large current and the mechanism,2012-10-06 18:25:09,下载2次
dspdltmd.rar - A movement of charge carriers due to the concentration gradient in a semiconductor is called process of diffusion. When charge carriers move, the current is constituted in a bar. This current due to diffusion is called diffusion curren,2012-10-06 18:24:02,下载3次
simulations.zip - voltage source inverter,2011-01-11 01:23:58,下载37次
series_induction.rar - series connected 3 phase induction motor drive,2011-01-11 01:23:07,下载37次

stepping-motor.rar - 在simulink中建立了一个步进电机的模型,数学推导和 模型图感觉都是对的,参数也差不多
vector.rar - 基于 Simulink仿真的步进电机闭环控制系统分析分析转速输出曲线,提出了加入模糊速 度前馈控制环的系统改进方案 ,系统稳定性得到较大提 高。
steppermotor.zip - 两项混合步进电机的MATLAB模型,对初学者有参考价值。
untitled2.zip - 基于matlab/simulink的两相混合式步进电机的电机主体仿真
SteppingMotor.rar - 步进电机的SIMLINK模型,作为步进电机的模块,对步进电机进行仿真
power_steppermotor.rar - Stepper motor model done in Matlab simulink
