
注册日期:2011-01-13 17:46:44

Mirroring.rar - this code can be implemented on mirror servers for dynamic load balancing among the replicated mirrors,2011-01-19 23:31:12,下载2次
JAVA-media-player.rar - this is java media player uses java media framework to run. plays various kind of formats audio and video both,2011-01-19 23:17:05,下载3次
student_result_system.zip - its student result system. its working with mouse. you give student mark and program will give u corresponding grade,2011-01-19 23:11:36,下载2次
hotel_managment_system.zip - This is a hotel managment database it stores all the data retrives it , deletes it and do many more functions . ,2011-01-19 23:10:33,下载1次
bus_reservation_system.zip - A simple bus reservation system, using dynamic 3D arrays and a simple class example,2011-01-19 23:06:54,下载3次
egg-catcher.rar - This is a simple egg catching game made using java applet. There is tray in the bottom of the applet, that can be moved using navigation keys. Eggs falls from above and needs to be catch.More the number of catches, more the score. After certain amount of time the speed of falling of eggs increases. ,2011-01-19 23:04:37,下载11次

